Designed for data visualization to help eradicate polio!
Built with Python, Django, JavaScript, React, Reflux, HighCharts, and many other libraries.
Install Docker Machine and docker-compose In Mac OS X you could install via brew
or using Docker Toolbox
- Node v4.3.2+ and NPM v3.10.5+
$ brew install docker-machine docker-compose
Initialize Docker environment
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox dev
$ docker-machine start dev
Add eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
into .bash_profile
In Mac OS X, forward the port to host
$ VBoxManage controlvm dev natpf1 "django,tcp,,8000,,8000"
$ docker-compose build && docker-compose up
Now that the app is running, find the IP of the docker machine with:
$ docker-machine ip dev
and visit: to use the app.
To Enter Docker Web Server Container running Django
$ docker exec -it rhizome_rhizome_1 bash
While inside the docker web instance, create a superuser in order to login
root@4d3814881439:/rhizome# ./ createsuperuser
While inside the docker web instance, to run the Python Tests:
root@4d3814881439:/rhizome# ./ test --settings=rhizome.settings.test
To Enter Docker DB Container running Postgres
$ docker exec -it rhizome_db_1 psql -U postgres
Now that you have the application running, we will need to do a bit more work in order to be able to compile the front end assets.
As a note, we inherited this project that was built on an old version of react that we are working on transitioning. So, unfortunately for now, there are two front end builds that need to be maintained in order for
In the future, all of the front end logic, assets etc will be handled within the react app, and furthermore, this autoload webpack process we be handled by a 3rd container so that developers will not need to run this separately ( see here for an idea as to how this might work ).
So in order to get the OLD .js working,
$ cd webapp
$ npm install
$ gulp dev
And in order to get the NEW .js working
$ cd react_app
$ npm install
$ webpack -d --watch
If either of these commands do not work, then please ensure you have the proper node
and npm
versions installed.
Make sure that Apache is configured to use the prefork MPM; the worker and event MPMs result in incorrect responses returned for requests when multiple requests are made to the server.
sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork
See more here
For more information on deploying [Django][] applications, see the Django documentation.
Start here by checking out our documentation.
For python style guide and instructions on how to configure your editor in alignment with our linter config see the plylintrc file