
Syncing data from rapidsms ureport to rapidpro ureport(Migration)

Primary LanguagePython

RapidPro Data Sync

Syncing data from rapidsms ureport to rapidpro ureport(Migration)


Add this config to UREPORT_APPS setting


'ureport': {

    'ENGINE': 'psycopg2',
    'NAME': 'ureport',
    'HOST': 'localhost',
    'USER': 'postgres',
    'contact_fields': {
        'Name': 'name',
        'Language': 'language',
        'Occupation': 'occupation',
        'Created On': 'created_on',
        'Birth Date': 'birthdate',
        'Gender': 'gender',
        'Village Name': 'village_name'



Run python manage.py push_to_rapidpro --app=app_name --rate=10

app_name = One of the UREPORT_APPS in the config above

rate = (int) Number of seconds to sleep before making another hit on the rapidpro server