:house::information_source: Curated list of awesome open source crafted web & mobile applications - Learn, Fork, Contribute & Most Importantly Enjoy!
- a7medo7785oStudios
- andersonfragaCuritiba - PR
- cirovargasBrazil
- coding-sunshine
- dipaksarafkolkata India
- djoudiAppsbunches
- dsoul
- essteffanGlomer SRL
- evandrixUndisclosed
- exexzian
- gardeniasfree
- glauberspCampinas, São Paulo, Brasil
- jamesagawa
- jhcloos
- kangasp
- kartmatiasFortaleza-Ce
- kennyhui
- lanjiPrivate Consulting and Research
- lingcarzyWalland
- logitickCebu City
- lovelyjhk
- luizeofPowertic
- LuminusVeduta Nova
- MahmoudAljabaryhttps://m06.company
- mcFactorCanberra, Australia
- Neustradamus
- ozanturkseverLogsign B.V.
- pooranOAYAW, Inc.
- scratcher28Russia
- tekon92Melbourne
- timjcraig
- truonganhhoang
- unicodeveloperLagos, Nigeria
- Urigo@the-guild-org
- wjhill
- yiqing95