A curated list of awesome bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Magento ecosystem.
Inspired by ziadoz/awesome-php
- Essentials
- Magento Patches
- Testing
- Command Line
- Module Manager
- Themes
- Modules
- Security
- Sessions
- Caching
- Htaccess
- Robot.txt
- Nginx
- Utils
- Deployments
- Continuous Integration
- Composer Integration
- Docker Images
- Vagrant Files
- Sample Data Mirrors
- Community Codebases
- Git Ignores
- Resources
- Contributing
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
- Local Xml - A great Start for your Magento Theme's local.xml file
- EcomDev PHPUnit - Magento PHPUnit Integration.
- MageTest BehatMage - Behat for Magento.
- MageTest MageSpec - PHPSpec for Magento
- Mage Run - Tools to work with Magento from command line.
- Interactive Magento Console
- Mage Run - Tools to work with Magento from command line.
- Pestle - A collection of command line scripts for Magento 2 code generation.
- Modman - Modularize extensions using symlinks.
- Modgit - Shell script for Git module deployment with include/exclude filters.
- Nandroid Foundation - Foundation 3 Framework for Magento.
- Webcomm Bootstrap - Bootstrap 3.1 Magento Boilerplate Template.
- Cvaldemar Bootstrap - Another Bootstrap based Magento Template.
- Pendabl Bootstrap - Another Bootstrap based Magento Template.
- Zeljkoprsa Boilerplate - Magento Theme Package based on HTML5 Bolierplate.
- Gpmd Responsive Theme - Simple responsive (fluid) Magento theme.
- Jreinke Admin Theme - Magento Admin a facelift.
- Blank Sass - SASS based version of Magento 2 Blank theme.
- VF EasyAjax - Send ajax requests and return a custom information from the server.
- FastIndexer - Makes indexing of your Magento store around x times faster!.
- Strategery-Inc/Magento-InfiniteScroll - Automatically load the next page of products in Magento.
- Switcher - Configurable products switcher extension that allows you to change the configurable products dropdowns to labels, colors or images.
- UMC1.9 - New Ultimate Module Creator for Magento 1.7 +.
- Simple Configurable Products - Enhancement to Magento to allow simple product prices to be used instead of the default special-case configurable product prices.
- Customer Activation - Magento extension which makes it impossible for a customer to log in until the account has been activated by the administrator.
- Magento layered navigation - Improved Magento layered navigation extension.
- Magento ElasticSearch - Magento ElasticSearch Implementation.
- Magento ElasticSearch - Magento ElasticSearch Implementation.
- MageFirewall - Magento Firewall for securing your e-commerce system.
- Cm RedisSession - Redis-based session handler for Magento with optimistic locking.
- Guidance Cachebuster - Automatic purging of static assets from HTTP caches.
- Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis - A Zend_Cache backend for Redis with full support for tags.
- Cm_Cache_Backend_File - Much improved replacement for Zend_Cache_Backend_File.
- Zend_Cache_Backend_Mongo - Zend Framework cache backend for MongoDB.
- Nexcess Turpentine - Cache extension for Magento that works with Varnish.
- Betabrand Varnish - Another Cache extension for Magento that works with Varnish.
- Lesti Fpc - Simple Magento Fullpagecache.
- Magento Htaccess - A htaccess boilerplate for all Magento Community installations.
- Robot.txt - A simple SEO robots.txt boilerplate for all Magento Community installations.
- Magento Nginx - Default Nginx config for Magento.
- Magento MySQL - Magento default mysql settings.
- Magento Utils - A collection of snippets and scripts to simplify your life as a Magento developer.
- Coding Standard - Magento Code Sniffer Coding Standard.
- PHPCS Rules - PHPCS Magento Rules
- Magento Tools - Tools to help work with Magento.
- MagentoSnippets for Sublime - Magento Front End Snippets, plugin for Sublime Text.
- Magento Bulk - Bulk Import/Export helper scripts and CLI utilities for Magento Commerce.
- Cookbook Magento - Collection of recipes to build app stack for the Magento deployments with Chef.
- Chef Magento - Installs and Configures a Magento project with Chef.
- Deploy Scripts - Scripts used to build/package, deploy and install Magento projects.
- MASC-M - Automated Server Configuration for Magento.
- Magento2 Frontools - Set of front-end tools for Magento 2 based on Gulp.js.
- EcomDev MageCI - A set of tools to help set up a proper environment for testing magento.
- Cotya Composer - Composer installer for Magento modules.
- Docker Magento - Docker image for Magento.
- Docker Magento - Another Docker image for Magento.
- Magento Nginx - Docker Container Template for Magento with NginX and php-fpm.
- Docker Magento - Production ready scalable Magento setup utilizing the docker.
- Magento Vagrant Puppet - A Vagrantfile and some puppet scripts for an installation of a magento shop.
- Magento Vagrant Puppet Nginx - Installs magento and a nginx server.
- Jasonevans1 Vagrant - Another Vagrant project for Magento
- Amacgregor MageVagrant - Vagrant/Chef base box for running Magento.
- Sample Data Compressed - A highly compressed version of the magento 1.9 sample data and a script to create it.
- Sample Data - Another mirrir link
- Magento (official)
- Magento Gitignore - .gitignore file for Magento-based projects.
- Magento Gitignore - Another .gitignore file for Magento-based projects.
- Inchoo Gitignore - Another .gitignore file for Magento-based projects by inchoo.
- Magento-Functions - A Resource of Magento Functions.