Bridge Troll is a Rails app that helps RailsBridge workshop organizers plan their events.
Bridge Troll aims to provide a single site for Students and Volunteers to register for workshops, so that Organizers have as much information as possible in one place to help them plan their workshop. Organizers will be able to easily contact attendees before a workshop, sort students and volunteers into classes on the workshop day, and provide follow-up surveys afterward.
We have something of a roadmap here.
New? Keep reading this, and then head to the wiki to read the contributor guidelines.
- The real live production application lives at or
- The staging server lives at
- The continuous integration server is at
- New features are in our Pivotal Tracker project.
- Bugs are in GitHub Issues.
Join the google group and send a quick note introducing yourself.
Then, have a look at our feature backlog. Pick a feature to work on, fork the project, code some code, and send a really good pull request. Not sure what to do? Ask the google group for advice!
You'll need a version manager for Ruby. We recommend rvm, but rbenv will work.
Note: change git clone
below to be your repo.
git clone
cd bridge_troll
rails s
Go to http://localhost:3000/ and you can play with the app. (Pro-tip: to create a valid user without setting up email, run User.last.confirm! in the Rails console after signing up.)
You will need to install phantomjs for tests to run successfully. On OSX with Homebrew, try
brew update
brew install phantomjs
Then you can run tests by doing
rake db:seed
will create a sample event (called 'Seeded Test Event'), organized by a sample user, with many more sample user volunteers and students. Doing rake db:seed
again will destroy all those sample persons and create the event again. The exact details of what is created can be found in seed_event.rb
We have created a living style guide to keep track of HTML components and their styling across the site. See it at http://localhost:3000/style_guide.
We're still working on adding every element to the page, so if you see missing components, add it to the erb template (static_pages/style_guide.html.erb)
To receive/develop emails locally, install the MailCatcher gem at The process is as follows:
gem install mailcatcher
-- installs MailCatcher in your current gemsetmailcatcher
-- start the MailCatcher server if it isn't running already- Visit http://localhost:1080/ in your web browser. This is your MailCatcher mailbox, where mails will appear.
- Do something in your local Bridge Troll app that would send a mail, like signing up for a new account.
- You should see the mail that Rails sent in the MailCatcher window. Woo!
Note that MailCatcher just makes it easy to see the HTML output of your mails: it doesn't guarantee that the way the mail looks like in MailCatcher is how it will look in Gmail or Outlook. Beware!
The following section is only necessary if you want to import Meetup data or work on Meetup OAuth features. The app will still work, and the tests will all pass, without setting any Meetup API keys.
To populate environment variables, we recommend you start your rails server with foreman, which is available in the Heroku Toolbelt. Once foreman is installed, You'll need to create an .env
file in the Bridge Troll directory for foreman to start effectively. Here's a sample one (note these are not real API keys):
With the .env
file in place, simply run foreman start
in your Bridge Troll directory instead of starting with rails server
To import historical data from the SF Ruby Meetup group, use the rake task rake meetup:import
. This requires you set up a MEETUP_API_KEY in your local environment, which you can find on Meetup at
To test authenticating with Meetup using your localhost server, you need to register a new OAuth Consumer at Meetup.
When you add a new OAuth consumer, set the Website as
, the Redirect URI as http://localhost:3000/auth/meetup/callback
, and the De-authorization Notification URL as http://localhost:3000/auth/meetup/destroy
The values for key and secret on the OAuth consumers page should be added to your local environment as MEETUP_OAUTH_KEY and MEETUP_OAUTH_SECRET, respectively.
Literally one billion thanks to our super awesome contributors.