Image Montage

This is a Matlab program that yields an image montage from a collection of images as resouce and a reference image.


The function contains 4 steps

  • Read file
  • Rescale them so we can stitch the resource image to the output properly
  • Match the histogram of resource images to that of the corresponding image block of the reference image
  • Merge the output image with the reference image


  • readme
  • demo.m: demo code
  • imMontage.m: main function


  • input
    • imRef: reference image | 2-3D array
    • folder: path to the image collection | string ends with '/'
    • dup: number of duplication of the image collection, in case your collection isn't big enough | integer, default:4
    • wc: weight of the output image when merging with the reference image
    • wh: weight of matched resource images and orginal resource images when matching local histogram
  • output
    • out: output image montage | 2-3D array, 'dup' times bigger than the input