
[SUPPORT] Direct mode sends incompatible skill command

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I am having some troubles with the direct mode. I use the following code snippet and call it with pyRunScript() after loading the file in CIW.

from skillbridge import Workspace

ws = Workspace.open(direct=True)

This results in this error:

command "skill:geGetEditCellView( )" resulted in error ("eval" 0 t nil ("Error eval: unbound variable" skill))

It seems like there is a skill: at the front of the correct command and I can't figure out why. This is with Python 3.9 and Virtuoso running on a Unix server.

Appreciate any help you can provide.


is this all of the code you are running? Can you please verify that there is no print, sys.stdout.write or similar before you open the Workspace?

The error you are getting can be reproduced with the following code:

from skillbridge import Workspace

print("skill:", end="")
ws = Workspace.open(direct=True)

Skillbridge itself does not print this kind of string.

After the workspace is open, you may use print as much as you want, but before that it is sent to Virtuoso and interpreted as a SKILL command.

Thanks for the response. I used no print or sys.stdout.write, but I still managed to resolve the issue. It seems like Skillbridge was already installed by the server at a much lower version and I forgot to check the version after pip install.

As it is working with 1.5, I will close the issue, but I am not sure if that's actually the problem.