- 64BitAsuraNokia
- Anjali05Madison, WI
- antmanlermoon
- apburgess
- cffsHELMo
- craciunoiuc@cs-pub-ro @unikraft
- DamieFCSomewhere that is totally not Las Vegas
- DmitryOlshanskyGlow Labs
- dpadula
- f-bnAdeo Services
- garronej@InseeFrLab
- gaulthiergainMontefiore
- GerifieldBitpanda
- gmuraruLondon, United Kingdom
- hack3rcon
- hlefUniversity of British Columbia
- johnbanq
- koderPToronto, Ontario
- mangelftCSUC
- nderjungGermany
- raxetul@ACMAgileSoftware
- rbifulcoNEC Laboratories Europe
- rodrigoferrazazevedoBoston, Massachusetts, USA
- rustikus
- sato-masayaOkayama Prefectural University
- shpwrck@RedHatOfficial
- shuwensNortheastern University
- smorimoto@ocaml @tc39
- TheCoolBlackCat
- tjmgregoryThe Software Engineer Ltd
- tlightsky
- unikraft-bot@Unikraft
- VestigeJWilsonville, Oregon
- vladandrewUniversity Politehnica of Bucharest
- WillFantom@ARM-Software
- XrayNerd