
Speech Human Evaluation Estimation Toolkit (SHEET)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

📃 SHEET: Speech Human Evaluation Estimation Toolkit

Introduction and motivation

Recently, predicting human ratings of speech using data-driven models (specifically, deep neural networks) has been a popular research topic. This repository aims to provide training recipes to reproduce some popular models.


Editable installation with virtualenv

git clone https://github.com/unilight/sheet.git
cd sheet/tools


Same as many speech processing based repositories (ESPNet, ParallelWaveGAN, etc.), we formulate our recipes in kaldi-style. They can be found in the egs folder.

There are several usages of this toolkit.

Training a speech quality predictor with a supported dataset on your own

You can train your own speech quality predictor using the datasets we support. Usually these datasets come with their own test sets, and you can test on these sets after training finishes. The starting point of each recipe is the run.sh file. Please check the detailed usage in each recipe.

Zero-shot prediction on multiple benchmarks with your trained model

Inside each recipe, after the model training is done, you can run zero-shot prediction on other datasets and benchmarks. This can be done by running run_XXX_test.sh in each recipe. They are symbolic links to the scripts in the egs/BENCHMARKS folder.

Supported Datasets

Currently we support the following datasets:

Supported Benchmarks

In addition to the test sets provided in the datasets above, we plan to support the following benchmarks:

  • VoiceMOS Challenge 2022 OOD track
  • VoiceMOS Challenge 2023 (BC2023, SVCC2023, TMHINTQI-(S))
  • VoiceMOS Challenge 2024

Supported Models

Currently we support the following models:

  • LDNet
  • UTMOS (Strong learner)
    • Original repo link: https://github.com/sarulab-speech/UTMOS22/tree/master/strong
    • Paper link: [arXiv]
    • Example config: egs/bvcc/conf/utmos-strong.yaml
    • Notes:
      • After discussion with the first author of UTMOS, Takaaki, we feel that UTMOS = SSL-MOS + listener modeling + contrastive loss + several model arch and training differences. Takaaki also felt that using phoneme and reference is not really helpful for UTMOS strong alone. Therefore we did not implement every component of UTMOS strong. For instance, we did not use domain ID and data augmentation.

Supported Features

  • Modeling
    • Listener modeling
    • Self-supervised learning (SSL) based encoder, supported by S3PRL
      • Find the complete list of supported SSL models here.
  • Training
    • Automatic best-n model saving and early stopiing based on given validation criterion
    • Visualization, including predicted score distribution, scatter plot of utterance and system level scores
    • Model averaging
    • Model ensembling by stacking


This repo is greatly inspired by the following repos. Or I should say, many code snippets are directly taken from part of the following repos.


Wen-Chin Huang
Toda Labotorary, Nagoya University
E-mail: wen.chinhuang@g.sp.m.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp