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Walmajarri (wmt)

Contains verbal paradigms from Walmajarri


AuSIL Interactive Walmajarri—English Dictionary https://ausil.org.au/Dictionary/Walmajarri/Index-en.htm


Initial AuSIL files contained entries such as "Gram: jaarlanu (to separate), jaarlani (separated), jaarlanani (was separating), jaarlanana (is separating), jaarlanku (will separate), jaarlanany (separates), jaarlanta (separate!), jaarlanurla (having separated), jaarlantarla"

Each translation has been mapped into corresponding UniMorph features: V;INF V;PST V;PST;RPOG V;PRS;PROG; V;FUT V;PRES;3;SG V;IMP V.CVB;PST (perfect participle/past adverbal participle)

In addition, each lemma contains inherent features, e.g. jaarlanu "tv,n,inf.". The features were mapped to LGSPEC (it's not entirely clear how to interpret them):

iv-LGSPEC02 (intransitive?)
tv-LGSPEC03 (transitive?)
iv and tv-LGSPEC10
tv and mv-LGSPEC11

Some lemmas contain upper case E,J,M,N, they mark dialects: (E) Eastern, (J) Juwaliny, M (middle), (N) Noonkanbah.


Paradigms do not contain auxuliary verb constructions such as

pajarrangupila   Vb Aux,sub-dat. they two (did something) for us (me and him/her). Gram: With ind, inten, neg moods Kamparni pajarrangupila. They two cooked it for us (me and him/her). Category: verb aux.
pajarranya   Vb Aux,sub-obj. We (he/she and I) (did something to) them all. Gram: With ind, inten, neg moods Nyanya pajarranya. We (he/she and I) saw them. 
pajarranya   Vb Aux,sub-obj. he/she (did something to) us (me and him/her). Gram: With ind, inten, neg moods Nyanya pajarranya. He/she saw us (me and him/her). 

It's not clear how to include them without rapid growth of paradigm sizes.


Hudson, Joyce. (1978). The core of Walmatjari grammar. Canberra: Australian Institute for Aboriginal Studies.
Hudson, Joyce and Eirlys Richards. (1976). The Walmatjari: An introduction to the language and culture. Work Papers of SIL-AAB, B-1. Darwin: Summer Institute of Linguistics.