- near-login
- create-account sub account
- create-account help
- build:contract
- deploy first time
- deploy
- nft_total_supply
- nft_mint
- nft_token
- nft_tokens
- nft_tokens_for_owner
near login
Please authorize NEAR CLI on at least one of your accounts. If your browser doesn't automatically open, please visit this URL https://wallet.testnet.near.org/login/?referrer=NEAR+CLI&public_key=ed25519%3A3smuY1MmEDfZNNCvgXbciUCgUFhf7h7QNhPxWu46Cvpn&success_url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A5001 Please authorize at least one account at the URL above. Which account did you authorize for use with NEAR CLI? Enter it here (if not redirected automatically): Logged in as [ vugomarscourse.testnet ] with public key [ ed25519:3smuY1... ] successfully
near create-account nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet --masterAccount vugomarscourse.testnet --initialBalance 20
near create-account --help
near create-account <accountId> create a new developer account (subaccount of the masterAccount, ex: app.alice.test) Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] --nodeUrl, --node_url NEAR node URL [string] [default: "https://rpc.testnet.near.org"] --networkId, --network_id NEAR network ID, allows using different keys based on network [string] [default: "testnet"] --helperUrl NEAR contract helper URL [string] --keyPath Path to master account key [string] --accountId, --account_id Unique identifier for the newly created account [string] [required] --useLedgerKey Use Ledger for signing with given HD key path [string] [default: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'"] --seedPhrase Seed phrase mnemonic [string] --seedPath HD path derivation [string] [default: "m/44'/397'/0'"] --walletUrl Website for NEAR Wallet [string] --contractName Account name of contract [string] --masterAccount Account used to create requested account. [string] [required] --helperAccount Expected top-level account for a network [string] -v, --verbose Prints out verbose output [boolean] [default: false] -f, --force Forcefully execute the desired action even if it is unsafe to do so [boolean] [default: false] --publicKey Public key to initialize the account with [string] --newLedgerKey HD key path to use with Ledger. Used to generate public key if not specified directly [string] [default: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'"] --initialBalance Number of tokens to transfer to newly created account [string] [default: "100"]
pnpm run build:contract
Executing wasi-stub... node_modules/near-sdk-js/cli/deps/binaryen/wasi-stub/run.sh build/hello_near.wasm >/dev/null
near deploy nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet --wasmFile contract/build/hello_near.wasm --initFunction init --initArgs '{"owner_id" : "vugomarscourse.testnet"}'
Starting deployment. Account id: nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet, node: https://rpc.testnet.near.org, helper: https://helper.testnet.near.org, file: contract/build/hello_near.wasm Transaction Id CHLUfHzx79Wd2geG76ffiEnNiHy6cuq8i1GURfX4H7vR To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
Done deploying and initializing nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet
near deploy nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet --wasmFile contract/build/hello_near.wasm
This account already has a deployed contract [ EmqF1cd3pgiQYzZYRUrfurhsPeTGzhHTvdk4UdEWhXnV ]. Do you want to proceed? (y/n) y Starting deployment. Account id: nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet, node: https://rpc.testnet.near.org, helper: https://helper.testnet.near.org, file: contract/build/hello_near.wasm Transaction Id Fm8baiWRh7kGWhwWAoCx8D5rPDux6KZMx4TB9gFUXidz To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser https://explorer.testnet.near.org/transactions/Fm8baiWRh7kGWhwWAoCx8D5rPDux6KZMx4TB9gFUXidz Done deploying to nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet
near view nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet nft_metadata
near view nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet nft_total_supply
View call: nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet.nft_total_supply() 1
near call nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet nft_mint '{"token_id": "token-03", "receiver_id": "vugomarscourse.testnet", "metadata": {"title": "NFT token 01", "description": "hello there this is nft token 01", "media": "https://bafybeihwe2nq3pimzra4n2oydvwbeubmccbb4g6urwmerwfurelyqt4lvi.ipfs.nftstorage.link"}}' --accountId vugomarscourse.testnet
Scheduling a call: nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet.nft_mint({"token_id": "token-03", "receiver_id": "vugomarscourse.testnet", "metadata": {"title": "NFT token 01", "description": "hello there this is nft token 01", "media": "https://bafybeihwe2nq3pimzra4n2oydvwbeubmccbb4g6urwmerwfurelyqt4lvi.ipfs.nftstorage.link"}}) Doing account.functionCall() Receipt: 9qM25U49P1oKpVdXmqkPEfDdEVSRpvZrZPfRnJEsfo6D Log [nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet]: EVENT_LOG:{"standard":"nep171","version":"nft-1.0.0","event":"nft_mint","data":[{"owner_id":"vugomarscourse.testnet","token_ids":["token-03"]}]} Transaction Id DF1geUgU8tqovaWyz3xbQCEAEfJsCxqe7iXTbyX7r2yU To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser https://explorer.testnet.near.org/transactions/DF1geUgU8tqovaWyz3xbQCEAEfJsCxqe7iXTbyX7r2yU ''
near view nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet nft_token '{"token_id": "token-01"}'
View call: nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet.nft_token({"token_id": "token-01"}) { token_id: 'token-01', owner_id: 'vugomarscourse.testnet', metadata: { title: 'NFT token 01', description: 'hello there this is nft token 01', media: 'https://bafybeihwe2nq3pimzra4n2oydvwbeubmccbb4g6urwmerwfurelyqt4lvi.ipfs.nftstorage.link' } }
near view nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet nft_tokens
View call: nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet.nft_tokens() [ { token_id: 'token-01', owner_id: 'vugomarscourse.testnet', metadata: { title: 'NFT token 01', description: 'hello there this is nft token 01', media: 'https://bafybeihwe2nq3pimzra4n2oydvwbeubmccbb4g6urwmerwfurelyqt4lvi.ipfs.nftstorage.link' } }, { token_id: 'token-02', owner_id: 'vugomarscourse.testnet', metadata: { title: 'NFT token 01', description: 'hello there this is nft token 01', media: 'https://bafybeihwe2nq3pimzra4n2oydvwbeubmccbb4g6urwmerwfurelyqt4lvi.ipfs.nftstorage.link' } }, { token_id: 'token-03', owner_id: 'vugomarscourse.testnet', metadata: { title: 'NFT token 01', description: 'hello there this is nft token 01', media: 'https://bafybeihwe2nq3pimzra4n2oydvwbeubmccbb4g6urwmerwfurelyqt4lvi.ipfs.nftstorage.link' } } ]
near view nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet nft_tokens_for_owner '{"owner_id": "vugomarscourse.testnet"}'
View call: nftk10.vugomarscourse.testnet.nft_tokens_for_owner({"owner_id": "vugomarscourse.testnet"}) [ { token_id: 'token-01', owner_id: 'vugomarscourse.testnet', metadata: { title: 'NFT token 01', description: 'hello there this is nft token 01', media: 'https://bafybeihwe2nq3pimzra4n2oydvwbeubmccbb4g6urwmerwfurelyqt4lvi.ipfs.nftstorage.link' } }, { token_id: 'token-02', owner_id: 'vugomarscourse.testnet', metadata: { title: 'NFT token 01', description: 'hello there this is nft token 01', media: 'https://bafybeihwe2nq3pimzra4n2oydvwbeubmccbb4g6urwmerwfurelyqt4lvi.ipfs.nftstorage.link' } }, { token_id: 'token-03', owner_id: 'vugomarscourse.testnet', metadata: { title: 'NFT token 01', description: 'hello there this is nft token 01', media: 'https://bafybeihwe2nq3pimzra4n2oydvwbeubmccbb4g6urwmerwfurelyqt4lvi.ipfs.nftstorage.link' } } ]