
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/pypar

Primary LanguagePython

PyPAR - Parallel Python, efficient and scalable
parallelism using the message passing interface (MPI).

Author:  Ole Nielsen (2001 -)
Email:   Ole.Nielsen@anu.edu.au
Version: See pypar.__version__
Date:    See pypar.__date__

Major contributions by
    Gian Paolo Ciceri (gp.ciceri@acm.org)
    Prabhu Ramachandran (prabhu@aero.iitm.ernet.in)

Minor but important contributions by
    Doug Orr (doug@arbor.net)
    Michal Kaukic (mike@frcatel.fri.utc.sk)


The python module pypar.py and the C-extension mpi.c
implements scalable parallelism on distributed and shared
memory architectures using the essential subset of
the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard.


- Python interpreter is not modified:
  Parallel python programs need only import the pypar module.

- Easy installation: This is essentially about compiling and linking
  the C-extension with the local MPI installation. A distutils setup file
  is included.

- Flexibility: Pypar allows communication of general Python objects
  of any type.

- Intuitive API:
  The user need only specify what to send and to which processor.
  Pypar takes care of details about
  data types and MPI specifics such as tags, communicators and buffers.
  Receiving is analogous.

- Efficiency:
  Full bandwidth of C-MPI programs is achieved for consecutive Numerical
  arrays. Latency is less than twice that of pure C-MPI programs.
  Test programs to verify this are included (pytiming, ctiming.c)

- Lightweight:
  Pypar consists of just two files: mpiext.c and pypar.py

See the DOC file for instructions on how to program with pypar.

PRE-REQUISITES (on all nodes)

  Python 2.0 or later
  Numeric Python (incl RandomArray) matching the Python installation
  Native MPI C library
  Native C compiler

  Pypar has been tested on the following platforms
    OPENMPI with Linux on Opteron 64 bit
    OPENMPI with Ubuntu Linux (32 bit)
    MPI on DEC Alpha
    LAM/MPI (6.5.6, 7.0) on Linux (Debian Woody/Cid and Red Hat 7.1)
    MPICH and LAM 7.0 on Solaris (Sun Enterprise)
    MPICH on Linux
    MPICH on Windows (NT/2000)
    MPICH for Darwin (Mac OS)
    LAM/MPI with Linux on Opteron 64 bit

  There are currently issues with MPICH2, so we recommend using OPENMPI
  On Ubuntu systems you need to install the following 2 packages:
  apt-get install openmpi-bin
  apt-get install libopenmpi-dev


      python setup.py install

    This should install pypar and its extension in the default
    site-packages directory on your system.

    If you wish to install it in your home directory use

      python setup.py install --prefix=~

    To build, you need:
      1) MPICH (http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich/)
      2) MinGW (http://www.mingw.org). Tested with GCC v 2.95-3.6.
      3) Set MPICH_DIR to the appropriate directory
      4) Build using 'python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32'
      5) Install using 'python setup.py install'.

  If you encountered any installation problems, read on.
  Do not worry about messages about unresolved symbols. This is normal
  for shared libraries on some machines.

  To compile C-extension mpi.c requires either a mpi-aware c compiler
  such as mpicc or a standard c compiler with mpi libraries linked in.
  See local MPI installation for details, possibly edit Makefile and
  type make.
  See installation notes below about compiling under mpi.


  If you don't want to install pypar using distutils or if you encounter
  problems doing so, you can compile it locally using the the script
  compile_pypar_locally.py (located in the pypar source directory)
  is a non-distutils way of compiling the extension and will put the
  mpiext.so file in the current working dir.
  With a PATH to that dir, you can run your pypar programs using the
  local installation.

  Pypar comes with a number of tests and demos available in the
  examples directory - please try these to verify the installation.

  See also mandelbrot examples (in demos/mandelbrot_example) using different parallel
  approaches to compute the well-known fractal in parallel.
  Before running any of these you must compile their C extensions. This is done as follows:

  python compile_mandelbrot_c_extensions.py

  In particular the script mandel_parallel_cyclic.py should produce almost perfect speedup.
  To run it on 2 processors, write

  mpirun -np 2 python mandel_parallel_dynamic.py


  Pypar runs in exactly the same way as MPI programs written in
  C or Fortran.

  E.g. to run the enclosed demo script (demo.py) on 4 processors,
  enter a command similar to

    mpirun -np 4 python demo.py

  Consult your MPI distribution for exact syntax of mpirun.
  Sometimes it is called prun and often parallel jobs will be
  submitted in batch mode.

  You can also execute demo.py as a stand-alone executable python script

    mpirun -np 4 demo.py

  Enclosed is a script to estimate the communication speed of your system.

    mpirun -np 4 pytiming

  Care has been taken in pypar to achieve the same bandwidth and almost as
  good communication latency as corresponding C/MPI programs.
  Please compile and run ctiming.c to see the reference values:

    make ctiming
    mpirun -np 4 ctiming

  Note that timings might fluctuate from run to run due to variable
  system load.

  An example of a master-slave program using pypar is available in demo2.py.

INSTALLATION NOTES (If all else fails)

Most MPI implementations provide a script or an executable called
"mpicc" which compiles C programs using MPI and does
not require any explicitly mentioned libraries.
If such a script exists, but with a different name, change
the name in the beginning of compile.py. If no such script exists, put
the name of your C compiler in that place and add all required linking
options yourself.

For example, on an Alpha server it would look something like

 cc -c mpi.c -I/opt/Python-2.1/include/python2.1/
 cc -shared mpi.o -o mpi.so -lmpi -lelan

 or using the wrapper

 mpicc -c mpi.c -I/opt/Python-2.1/include/python2.1/
 mpicc -shared mpi.o -o mpi.so

On Linux (using LAM-MPI) it is

 mpicc -c mpi.c -I/opt/Python-2.1/include/python2.1/
 mpicc -shared mpi.o -o mpi.so

 Start processors using
 lamboot -v lamhosts

On Linux (using OPENMPI) the compilation and executions steps are as with LAM-MPI, but
there is no need for lamboot anymore. With OPENMPI you may need to uncomment the line

  btl = ^openib

in /etc/openmpi/openmpi-mca-params.conf to get rid of the warning "OpenIB on host ... was unable to find any HCAs." Another warning, "unable to open osc pt2pt: file not found (ignored)", is a known openmpi problem with an unknown solution.
See http://code.google.com/p/petsc4py/wiki/InstallationNotes for more details.


Pypar works as follows
    1  mpirun starts P python processes as specified by mpirun -np P
    2  each python process imports pypar which in turn imports a shared
       library (python extension mpiext.so) that has been statically linked
       to the C MPI libraries using e.g. mpicc (or cc -lmpi)
    3  The Python extension proceeds to call MPI_init with any commandline
       parameters passed in by mpirun (As far as I remember MPICH uses this
       to identify rank and size, whereas LAM doesn't)
    4  The supported MPI calls are made available to Python through the
       pypar interface

    If  pypar is invoked sequentially it supports a rudimentary interface
    with e.g. rank() == 0 and size() == 1


  See the file DOC for an introduction to pypar.
  See also examples demo.py and pytiming
  as well as documentation in pypar.py.


See release_notes.txt for newer releases!

version 2.0.1_alpha (11/7/7) Setup patch by jk Nilsen and removal
of obsolete code
version 2.0alpha (3/7/7) Migration to numpy and patches to setup
Also started Subversion repository on Sourceforge.

version 1.9.3 (24 April 2007)
  added bypass form for reduce
version 1.9.2
  First version under Subversion
version 1.9.1 (15 Dec 2003)
  Consistent naming (all lower case, no abbreviations)
version 1.9 (3 Dec 2003)
  Obsoleted raw forms of communication as they were confusing.
  The semantics of send, receive, scatter, gather etc is now that
  one can optionally specify a buffer to use if desired.
  Bypass forms added.

version 1.8.2 (16 November 2003)
  Fixed scatter, gather and reduce calls to automatically
  figure out buffer lengths. Also tested scatter and gather for
  complex and multidimensional data.
version 1.8.1 (13 November 2003)
  Added direct support (i.e. not using the vanilla protocol)
  for multidimensional Numeric arrays of type Complex.
version 1.8 (11 November 2003)
  Changed status object to be (optionally) returned from receive and
  raw_receive rather maintaining a global state where one instance of
  the status object is modified.
  This was suggested by the audience at presentation at Department of
  Computer Science, Australian National University, 18 June 2003.

version 1.7 (7 November 2003)
  Added support for Numerical arrays of arbitrary dimension
  in send, receive and bcast.
  The need for this obvious functionality was pointed by Michal Kaukic.

version 1.6.5 (30 August 2003)
  Added NULL commandline argument as required by LAM 7.0 and
  identified by Doug Orr and Dave Reed.
version 1.6.4 (10 Jan 2003)
  Comments and review of installation
version 1.6.3 (10 Jan 2003)
  Minor issues and clean-up
version 1.6.2 (29 Oct 2002)
  Added Windows platform to installation as contributed by
  Simon Frost
version 1.6.0 (18 Oct 2002)
  Changed installation to distutils as contributed by
  Prabhu Ramachandran

version 1.5 (30 April 2002)
  Got pypar to work with MPICH/Linux and cleaned up initialisation
version 1.4 (4 March 2002)
  Fixed-up and ran testpypar on 22 processors on Sun
version 1.3 (21 February 2002)
  Added gather and reduce fixed up testpypar.py

version 1.2.2, 1.2.3 (17 February 2002)
  Minor fixes in distribution
version 1.2.1 (16 February 2002)
  Status block, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_ANY_SOURCE exported
Version 1.2 (15 February 2002)
  Scatter added by Gian Paolo Ciceri
Version 1.1 (14 February 2002)
  Bcast added by Gian Paolo Ciceri
Version 1.0.2 (10 February 2002)
  Modified by Gian Paulo Ciceri to allow pypar run under Python 2.2
Version 1.0.1 (8 February 2002)
  Modified to install on SUN enterprise systems under Mpich
Version 1.0 (7 February 2002)
  First public release for Python 2.1 (OMN)

  Scatter for the moment works only properly when the amount of data is a
  multiple of the number of processors (as does the underlying MPI_Scatter).
  I am working on a more general scatter (and gather) which will
  distribute data as evenly as possible for all amounts of data.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)
    for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307

 Contact address: Ole.Nielsen@anu.edu.au


  This work was supported by School of Mathematical Sciences at
  the Australian National University and funded by Australian
  Partnership for Advanced Computing (APAC).
  Many thanks go to

    Gian Paolo Ciceri (gp.ciceri@acm.org)
        for fixing pypar to run under Python 2.2 and for adding all the
        collective communication stuff from version 1.1 and onwards.
    Prabhu Ramachandran (prabhu@aero.iitm.ernet.in)
        for making a proper distutils installation procedure
    Simon D. W. Frost (sdfrost@ucsd.edu) and Vladimir Lazunin (lazunin@gmail.com)
        for testing pypar under Windows and creating the installation procedure
    Jakob Schiotz (schiotz@fysik.dtu.dk) and Steven Farcy (steven@artabel.net)
        for pointing out initial problems with pypar and MPICH.
    Markus Hegland (Markus.Hegland@anu.edu.au)
        for supporting the work.
    Doug Orr (doug@arbor.net)
        for identifying and fixing problem with LAM 7.0 requiring
	last commandline argumnet to be NULL.
    Dave Reed (dreed@capital.edu)
        for pointing out problem with LAM 7.0 and for testing the fix.
    Matthew Wakefield (matthew.wakefield@anu.edu.au)
    	for pointing out and fixing support for Mac OS X (darwin)
    David Brown (David.L.Brown@kla-tencor.com)
    	for contributing to the Windows/Cygwin installation procedure
    Michal Kaukic (mike@frcatel.fri.utc.sk)
	for pointing out the need for multi dimensional arrays and
	for suggesting an implementation in the 2D case.
    J K Nilsen for support and compiler patches
    Ross Wilson for designed the pypar logo in January 2009
    Andrew Rowe (mr_andrew_d_rowe@hotmail.com) for fixing windows installation
        in March 2011.