
This is the repository for managing baskets.

Union Fashion Baskets API

This an API for managing baskets allow users of web and mobile applications to order Union Fashion baskets, and purchase from the catalog online.

Everything you will need to know about the basket API should be available, providing links to al the areas of development for the API and it's supporting resources.


These are all of the ways in which the basket API is organized.

  • Team - (Union Fashion) - The team to which the basket API belongs.
  • Workspace - Baskets (Requires Access) - The Postman workspace for managing Baskets.
  • Organization - Union Fashion - The GitHub organization where the basket API belongs.
  • Repository - Union Fashion / baskets - The GitHub repository dedicated to the basket API.
  • API (Requires Access) - The machine readable contract for the API.
  • Collections - Derivatives of the basket API contract.
    • Working - The collection meant for regular usage and playing around.
    • Documentation - The collection dedicated to publishing docs and mocks.
    • Contract Testing - The collection that is just for testing the contract.
  • Environments - Postman environments for managing the baskets API.
    • Development - Mock - The environment for applying against APIs being developed using a mock environment.

Mock Server(s)

These are the available mock servers for the basket API.


This is the available documentation for the basket API.

  • Development - This is the latest set of documentation complete with Run in Postman button, scripts, and examples.


These are the support channels for the basket API.

  • Issues - The issue management for the basket API using GitHub.


These are the areas of communication for the basket API.

  • Comments - The comments tab on the basket API.
  • History - The history for the basket API workspace.
  • Activity - The activity for the basket API workspace.


These are the areas in which the basket API is being tested.

  • Contract
    • Monitor - The daily monitor for basket API contract.