Union React Elements

View storybook

A React component library that can be added to your project as an NPM module.

Adding Union React Elements To Your Project

yarn add @union/react-elements


npm install @union/react-elements --save
Peer dependencies
  • @babel/runtime: >=7,
  • lodash: >=4,
  • prop-types: >=15,
  • react: >=16.3,
  • react-dom: >=16.3,
  • styled-components: >=4
yarn add @babel/runtime lodash prop-types react react-dom styled-components

Local Development and Storybook Viewing

After installing packages, you can:

  • yarn to install packages.
  • yarn storybook to start Storybook for local development or to view documentation locally.
  • yarn build to create a new build to be published on NPM.

More to come...