
Source code of http://uniopen.org

Primary LanguageHTML

check: https://beta.uniopen.org

--- DEV branch: unstable, under development ---

The target is to create a platform that will support user registration with proper authentication and API access to the data of different universities. Data will be updated either via the web interface or via APIs.

├── config
├── env
└── uniopen
    ├── migrations
    │   └── versions
    └── uniopen
        ├── static
        │   ├── css
        │   ├── img
        │   ├── js
        │   ├── libs
        │   │   ├── bootstrap3
        │   │   │   ├── css
        │   │   │   ├── fonts
        │   │   │   └── js
        │   │   └── jquery2
        │   └── public
        │       ├── css
        │       └── js
        ├── templates
        │   └── _layouts
        └── tests