
Connect MobX (and mobx-state-tree) to React with plain old JS props!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


🚧 this is a work in progress 🚧

Connect MobX (and mobx-state-tree) to React with plain old JS props!

This is a better isolation of concerns

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This library offer the same inject API that the standard mobx-react library. What differs is about the types of props that are injected in the wrapped ReactJS component.

  • With the standard mobx-react the props injected can be observable.
  • With k-mobx-react the props injected are plain old JS objects.


We feel that observable object in ReactJS component enforce bad pattern of developments:

  • It pushed the use of nested props into a ReactJS component
    • We think that flat props are best because it is easier to optimise this kind of components
  • You have to use customs PropTypes
  • You can't bind a common React Component with this kind of objects
    • We have some problems our existing React components that did not always worked as expected


  • npm install --save k-mobx-react
  • yarn add k-mobx-react


  • You can just change you mobx-react import with the new one: k-mobx-react
  • If you use nested props, you should changes them to use flat props



About uni rakun

uni rakun is created by two passionate french developers.

Do you want to contact them ? Go to their website

Guillaume CRESPEL Fabien JUIF