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Current prototype show reel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SCXNjTSLZ8&feature=youtu.be

Activities we want to complete:


  • The Model needs a moderate amount of work, seeking expertise in this to resolve.


Increase interactivity of the HPLC model by adding interactive elements: Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFMpsgHBIxM (each feature is timestamped)

  1. Mobile phases tray, the lines and the containers-0:18-0.24
  2. Degasser-0:39-0:44-how to open and see inside during the purging -Make sure to notice on the left the LED in green-means the part is OK and running. (similar lights have all other parts, and all should be green for the instrument to run). 3.Pump-1:13-how to open and check for a leak and also to purge the machine in the morning. 4.Autosampler door-1:53
  3. Autosampler inside- the injector port (the green) with the needle. 2:08
  4. Column oven-to connect the column to the pump and the detector-2:20
    7.Detector-UV/Vis- 2:58min
  5. Waste connection-3.15-attention the merging of the tube from tiny into a big one and the leak sensor 9.Connection with computer-3:46


Improve Instrumental look for Switching on the instrument and injection process Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7cCpCywPz4
Attention how the LED is in green colour in all parts, meaning the machine is ready for run without errors.

  1. First the instrument should be turned on, therefore the LED buttons should be interactive. Before switching on they are in grey colour.

  2. To switch on-Push the LED buttons on all parts starting from the pump, autosampler/injector, column thermostat, detector. LED light should be green in all parts.

  3. How injection process happens-1:25 min and after.


Connecting the column https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qza0UWJzX8s Would like to simulate this in VR Step by step


Waste bottle connection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_ko3Iqf5T8 Waste bottle and connection with the instrument-7:25


Improve audio 1.The sounds, during Injection, when the flow is ON and the machine sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZbURzvw7Ss 0:37 and onwards, this is how it sounds when the flow is ON. 0:45 when it injects. 2.Injection sound and machine sound when flow is ON. Injection with needle wash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIWy8nJf1cg


Replace current mock up instruction sets with actual instructions: All Workflow detailed -from the start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU14AmixUnw&t=1605s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_ko3Iqf5T8


Mock up of Software interface (can provide some graphics if necessary)

Extra Software flow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGf_MNOqqH0 Switching on-hard- and software https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cYd29Lk5Wc&t=17s

  1. Fill in the laboratory book
    Date User name Project name/number Total number of samples Method name Analyse stage (QC) Column type (XBridge BEH C18, 150 mm x 3 mm, 2.5 μm) Solvent composition

– perhaps requires some UI improvements and keyboard integration.

  1. Instrument Online icon (can be in any from, s long it is written Instrument Online) -click to open #3 and setup for the analyses and pump flow 3. Instrument Control Diagram-is now open

I have a more comprehensive Software flow if time permits, however this may prove difficult to get done with our short time lines.