Quantum Open Source Software Survey

Repository with aggregated and anonymized data from the Quantum Open Source Software Survey and the related Diversity and Inclusion survey.

The surveys were available at the following URLs:

2023 Results

The folder 2023 contains results of the survey for the 2023 survey (which includes main survey questions and diversity), with aggregated data in xlsx, csv format.

2022 Results

The folder 2022/QOSS software contains results of the survey for the main software survey, with aggregated data in xlsx, csv and pdf format.

The folder 2022 also contains a pdf version of the slides presenting the results, QOSS & D&I Survey Results - Slides.pdf.


The quantum OSS projects listed in the software survey have been chosen among those with >50 stars on Github/GitLab included in the awesome-quantum-software list and other lists, excluding software focusing on tutorials, cryptography, experiments. The software projects and platforms have been divided in three categories: cloud services; software for full-stack development and simulator; application tools.

A draft of the survey has been circulated among Unitary Fund advisory board, board, program members and partners for feedback. The survey has been open Sept. 27 – Oct. 29, 2023. The data is stored at github.com/unitaryfund/qoss-survey.

Unitary Fund circulated the surveys on its social media platforms (Discord, Twitter, LinkedIn, UF blog) and contacting major blogs (QC Report, Qiskit blog, PennyLane blog, etc.), newsletters (UF mailing list, QuTiP mailing list, academic networks, etc.), UF members, supporters and partners.


The database of aggregated and anonymized results will be made available under the Open Database License (ODbL): http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/. Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/1.0/

Some of the questions had been extracted and/or adapted from The Public 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results, also licensed as ODbl. Following their terms Stack Overflow is attributed and this database is open and continue to share-alike any adapted database under the ODbl.