Contains the Dockerfiles for building our build images (the images for the containers that we use to build for example Kafka applications in).

See Taskfile.yml for options.

Static building

Build with -tags=musl (was -tags=static_all before alpine 3.11). Example of building a Go app inside a container, taken from order-service:

docker run \
    -v "$(pwd):/go/src/{{.PROJECT_DIR_FROM_GOPATH}}" \
    -w "/go/src/{{.PROJECT_DIR_FROM_GOPATH}}" \
    unitedwardrobe/golang-librdkafka:alpine3.11-golang1.14.2-librdkafka1.4.2-static \
    go build \
        -mod vendor \
        -tags musl \
        -o bin/{{.APP_NAME}} \
        -a /go/src/{{.PROJECT_DIR_FROM_GOPATH}}/cmd/{{.APP_NAME}}