02180 - Introduction to AI - SP21 - BELIEF REVISION ASSIGNMENT

Assignement for the course 02180 Introduction to AI.

The goal of this assignment is to implement a belief revision agent.


This code create a belief base. Then you can add beliefs in it, check logical entailment thanks to the resolution algorithm and do contraction, revision and expansion.


Run the following command to install all the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The two main requirements for this code are:

  • python 3.8
  • sympy 1.8

How to run the code

The following command is used to run the code

python main.py

Then, you will have different possible actions:

add #to add a belief to the belief base
display #to display the current belief base
clear #to clear the belief base
quit #to stop the agent

To add a belief you can use the following symbols:

~ #NOT ~p
& #AND p&q
| #OR p|q
>> #implies p>>q
() #Parenthesis to structure the belief p>>(q&r)

How to run the tests

To be able to run the test you need the following package:
It is already installed if you have run the requirements.txt file

  • pytest 6.2.3

Then, the following command is used to run the tests

python test.py