
Nerd Fonts with Cursive Italic Styles

Primary LanguagePython


For a preview of all available fonts, see this wiki page.


Many vscode users use fonts like this with some themes that support italics, I want to do the same in vim. I've tried FiraCodeiScript, Operator Mono and Dank Mono but their support for nerd font symbols is not very good.

Therefore, I decided to patch some fonts myself. All these fonts should support nerd font symbols and be suitable for use in TUI editors like vim.

Some fonts are free of charge, they are patched already and you can directly use the binary files. However, some fonts are not free, so you need to build them by yourself if you want to use them.


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. If you want to install non-free fonts, you need to buy the fonts and build them by yourself.
  3. For linux users, follow this guide to install them.

In order to avoid copyright infringement, I cannot directly distribute the binary files of some fonts. However, if you encounter problems during the build process, email me and I will send you the font files that have been built.

For Arch Linux users, you can directly install all these fonts from my repository. All these fonts are in a package group named icursive-nerd-fonts, so simply add this repository and install them via pacman -S icursive-nerd-fonts.


General Setup

There are some submodules in this repository, you'll need to update them at the very beginning.

$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/sainnhe/icursive-nerd-font.git
$ cd ./icursive-nerd-font
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Op series

  1. Binary file of Operator Mono
  2. Node.js
  3. Python (v2.7+)
  4. Python 2 (or Python 3), python-fontforge package. See Nerd Font Patcher for details.
  5. fonttools package. See Operator Mono Ligatures for details.

cd /path/to/icursive-nerd-font and execute ./build.py Op /path/to/OperatorMono-BookItalic.otf


./build.py Op ~/Downloads/Operator\ Mono/Operator\ Mono\ Book\ Italic.otf

The new font files will be placed in the *Op folders.

Dk series

  1. Binary file of Dank Mono
  2. Python (v2.7+)
  3. Python 2 (or Python 3), python-fontforge package. See Nerd Font Patcher for details.

cd /path/to/icursive-nerd-font and execute ./build.py Dk /path/to/Dank\ Mono\ Italic.ttf


./build.py Dk ~/Downloads/Dank\ Mono\ Italic.ttf

The new font files will be placed in the *Dk folders.

Cg series

  1. Binary file of Cartograph
  2. Python (v2.7+)
  3. Python 2 (or Python 3), python-fontforge package. See Nerd Font Patcher for details.

cd /path/to/icursive-nerd-font and execute ./build.py Cg /path/to/Cartograph\ CF\ Italic.ttf


./build.py Cg ~/Downloads/Cartograph\ Italic.ttf

The new font files will be placed in the *Cg folders.


See PATCH.md for more information.


Q: What's the color scheme used here?

A: Gruvbox Material using mix palette.

Q: What's your status line configuration?

A: See this article.

