MeshSync UV0 Green Channel Flip Issue
martin-mikulic opened this issue · 2 comments
MeshSync UV0 Green Channel Flip Issue
When importing meshes with MeshSync, UV0 has the green channel flipped, while UV1 appears duplicated UV0 but with correct green channel.
When i switch material to use UV1 it looks correct as the default unity plane
I tested this also importing from 3ds max 2023, 2022, and blender and it behaves the same.
I tested it with auto exported meshes -||-
When I export .fbx from max this doesn't happen.
I don't want to switch all of my many unity materials to use UV1 as a base.
I am saying "green channel flip" because when i use the swizzle for the normal map green channel to "1-G" material shows correctly on meshsync meshes but then it's wrong on every other fbx mesh
Is there a way to make meshsync swap those two channels on import
Unity version: Unity 2023.3.12f1
Unity version: Unity 2022
MeshSync version: MeshSync 0.16
MeshSync version: MeshSync 0.17.3
Operating system: Windows 10
I found a possible solution.
This could be caused by a tangent inversion of the model when importing model from dcc.
Try reversing the tangent with the following code.
public MeshSyncServer target;
void Reverse(NetworkMessageType t)
foreach(MeshFilter filter in target.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshFilter>())
if (filter != null)
Mesh mesh = filter.sharedMesh;
Vector4[] tangents = mesh.tangents;
for (int i = 0; i < tangents.Length; i++)
tangents[i] = new Vector4(tangents[i].x, tangents[i].y, tangents[i].z, -1);
mesh.tangents = tangents;
//When OnEnable()
target = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<MeshSyncServer>();
target.OnPostRecvMessageCallback += Reverse;