Antilatency Alt Tracking Minimal Demo C++


This project provides minimal demo of Antilatency tracking. Structure:

  • ./AntilatencySdk/Api contains headers for Antilatency libraries;
  • ./AntilatencySdk/Bin// contains prebuilt libraries;
  • ./TrackingMinimalDemoCpp.cpp contains code of example.

Build on raspberry:

  1. Place project folder somewhere on the filesystem.
  2. Execute in terminal:
  • cd <full path to project directory>
  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake ../
  • make
  1. Directory ./build should now contain TrackingMinimalDemo executable and libraries.

Build on windows:

  1. Open cmake-gui.
  2. Set path to project directory in "Where is the source code"
  3. Specify directory where you want to create project files in "Where to build the binaries"
  4. Click "Configure" button.
  5. Choose "generator"(e.g. Visual Studio).
  6. Click "Generate" button.
  7. Directory specified on step 3 should now contain project files depending on selected generator(TrackingMinimalDemo.sln for Visual Studio)
  8. Build it.


TrackingMinimalDemo executable expects environment code as first argument and placement code as second(both can be obtained from AntilatencyService by Share->copy link in environment/placement menu).

Windows example(execute in cmd):


Linux example(execute in terminal):


You may need to run TrackingMinimalDemo as root to work with USB devices (i.e. sudo ./TrackingMinimalDemo ...) or add rule for Antilatency USB devices:

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="3237", MODE="0666", GROUP="<group_name>"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/66-antilatency.rules

  • where <group_name> is the name of the group to which the user who launches the application belongs. For example, on Raspberry Pi this commands looks like:

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="3237", MODE="0666", GROUP="pi"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/66-antilatency.rules


You need to set search path and libs for oscpack. (