
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Nova: Evolving Intelligence Agents, Infinite Possibilities.


Nova represents the cutting edge in intelligent agent frameworks, designed not only to execute tasks but to evolve autonomously. 'Evolving Intelligence Agents, Infinite Possibilities' encapsulates our vision where agents empowered by Nova don't just perform in virtual environments—they learn, adapt, and extend their capabilities over time, seamlessly transitioning between digital domains and physical hardware, including robotics. Built with the philosophy that 'Simpler is Better', Nova provides a streamlined approach to complexity, enabling agents to autonomously develop and integrate new tools, adapting to an ever-changing landscape of challenges. This capacity for self-expansion and adaptability across both virtual and physical realms positions Nova at the forefront of innovation, redefining what intelligent systems can achieve. In our ultimate vision, we see Nova evolving into a form of "Silicon-based Intelligence Artificial Life," transcending the boundaries between technology and life itself.

Framework and Vision
Agent framework and vision

Directory Structure (Todo)

The Nova project is meticulously organized for ease of use and scalability:

  • nova/: The main directory housing all the components of Nova.
    • core/: System management.
    • agents/: Contains the agent implementations with agent.py serving as a template or a particular instance.
    • llm/: Dedicated to language model functionality, where llm.py defines language model-related operations.
    • tools/: A suite of utility scripts to augment the functionality of agents.
      • builtins/: Essential tools that come with the Nova framework.
      • plugins/: Dynamically loaded modules that extend the capabilities of Nova agents.
  • ui/: User interface assets that define how users interact with the Nova framework.
    • frontend/: Web ui.
    • qt/: The graphical user interface components built with PyQt or PySide6 for user interaction.

Getting Started

Todo: Instructions on how to set up the Nova environment, install dependencies, and run the initial configuration.


To make a contribution or suggest an idea, please fill out this form: Contribution Form. Your input is invaluable to us, and we're excited to see where your ideas and contributions will take Nova.

Star History

Star History Chart


  title        = {Nova: Evolving Intelligence Agents, Infinite Possibilities},
  author       = {Nova contributors},
  year         = {2024},
  howpublished = {GitHub},
  url          = {https://github.com/Silicon-Life/Nova}