
Workshop Materials for the React Native Creative Spotify Player Demo

React Native Creative - Workshop Files

This Repository holds the current Workshop Files needed for the Create React Native Workshop.

This repo URL for reference is - https://github.com/university-of-toronto-fsf/rnc-spotify

General Information

The files found in this repo are only useful when provided with some "context", i.e. learning the theory behind these files is important. The theory will be presented by the instructor, with information / documentation provided in the docs repository here.


  • The minimal first four steps have been posted in this repository for review. You do not have to do these steps prior to the workshop, but they are here to provide context to how the workshop will run
  • Kindly review to the setup instructions found here and ensure that your laptop is set up appropriately for the React Native Workshop.


  1. Each branch represents a particular "step" in the development workflow of the exercise.
  2. The starting files of a particular branch represent the "solution" of the previous branch. For example, branch "02" represents the solution for branch "01". So you can use the different branches as a guide to see what your end goal should be.
  3. Additionally, when working with the exercises, the code found within each file contains instructions in comment form that indicate how you should proceed completing writing the code for that particular file. The steps are in line with the theory that are being presented by your instructor. Hence, this repository only becomes more beneficial with the theory provided by your instructor.