
VISUM 2019 object detection challenge

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • Gradient accumulation
  • Albumentations
  • Leave-one-class-out cross-validation
  • Better backbone
  • freeze backbone for training to run faster
  • crop objects from some examples and paste them to other images
  • class dropout, train "any-class" model msh
  • label smoothing msh
  • check why new class prediction does not work: if it RPN or classification
  • Reduce images, because large part of an image is not useful at all
  • Try single-stage detectors
  • Visualize predictions and train data (we would like to see what part of an image can be cropped out)
  • TensorboardX: training progress, learning rate, val metrics, etc
  • Test-time augmentation
  • Normal ensembling; ensembling models from previous epochs
  • Add grayscale IR images to train procedure
  • Check wtf is with the books, why we do not predict them
  • Generate visualizations after training
  • Train on the whole train set for final submission
  • Check that bbox sizes of Faster-RCNN fit our case