is a very small proof of concept URL shortener written in Erlang/OTP.
It has these features:
- Service, minimal browser UI, data backend to shorten URL and store
- Create short URLs on home page
- Visit short URL, get redirected to destination URL
- Short URLs are always shorter than 8 chars, and use [0-9a-zA-Z-_] alphabet
- Use widest possible space with above 2 constraints
- Append "?r=0" to the short URL to view the destination URL before going to it
- Erlang/OTP (developed and tested on version 20)
This will clone, download dependencies, and compile the application.
git clone
cd pkt
To run the application in shell, type
make run
The server is now active at http://localhost:8080.
The server is accessible by the web browser and it implements REST API.
To terminate the application and exit from its shell, press Ctrl-C twice in the application shell.
To run tests
make tests
To make reference documentation
make docs
To dialyze
make dialyze
Don't hesitate to create an issue.