Controlling ChromeCasts though the command line. Made by Brussec Security with ❤️
- Python 3
- Curl
- Pip
All you really need to do is install python and curl and clone this repository. But just because I can, here are the commands:
sudo apt-get install python curl
git clone
pip3 install requirements.txt -t <target> -a <action> -v <value>
- play : Play a Youtube video with ID specified in the value parameter
- setName : Set the device name to the value specified in the value parameter
- scanWifi : Scan nearby Wifi networks
- reboot : Reboot the device
- factoryReset : Resets the device to Factory Settings (USE WITH CARE)
Change the device name of a ChromeCast -t -a setName -v "Pablo is my hero"
Play a video (Rick Roll) -t -a play -v dQw4w9WgXcQ
Reboot the ChromeCast -t -a reboot
- Twitter: @pablobrusseel
- Website: Brussec Security
The idea for this tool came after some guy sent curl requests to publicly-exposed ChromeCasts on the internet to spread PewDiePie propaganda. As this is documented functionality, you can't actually call this an exploit. Although one could wonder why this is possible without a single form of authentication.
Thank you to @terremoth for updating the code to Python 3.