- 0
- 3
- 15
Cant unlock the disk
#46 opened by KevinLage - 4
failed to connect to non-global ctrl_ifname
#39 opened by RustyPixel - 2
Unable to unlock Kali dropbear
#62 opened by xxxcrow - 0
when running cryptmypi on a Kali VM under vmware fusion an IO error is returned from LUKS->sdb
#61 opened by hotelzululima - 5
- 3
Is this project alive?
#60 opened by xxxcrow - 15
- 1
- 4
[Question] Unlock and operate without connectivity - interactive session offline
#50 opened by Coqueiro - 6
dropbear remote unlock with _NEWLUKSUUID="yes" => Device /dev/disk/by-uuid/XXX...XXXX doesn't exist or access denied
#49 opened by donyshmony - 5
trying to get this to work for me ;)
#53 opened by thomas725 - 2
AES-cbc vs AES-xts performance on the RPi
#42 opened by xmijo - 0
Wifi unlock through hostapd
#51 opened by unixabg - 2
Dropbear SSH Server fails on current Kali Builds
#47 opened by bigmrw - 1
Improvement on the sys-ssh-jump service
#45 opened by iTosun - 6
apt update fails on debian
#43 opened by librecoder42 - 0
Partition should not be hardcoded
#44 opened by taziden - 6
DropBear Unlock via LTE\3G USB modem!
#36 opened by loliDe - 3
- 4
Cannot SSH
#31 opened by ftondolo - 5
- 2
- 2
- 1
improvement to use https-keyscript
#16 opened by superuser5 - 4
- 4 Not work | Adding configuration for VPS
#28 opened by loliDe - 7
initramfs-wifi.hook for Raspberry Pi 4
#30 opened by loliDe - 3
No key available with this passphrase
#33 opened by bigmrw - 2
Dropbear never starts
#32 opened by bigmrw - 4
cryptsetup failed,bad password or options
#26 opened by git-chenjiqing - 2
download improvement
#12 opened by superuser5 - 1
cant boot after first 'apt update'
#21 opened by Ud0g-Py - 6
Initramfs-wifi issues
#22 opened by Botts85 - 13
- 11
- 6
- 1
command line params
#5 opened by unixabg - 1
add error checking
#19 opened by superuser5 - 10
- 0
#4 opened by unixabg - 0