
Sunfounder Super Kit Python code for Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguagePython

Sunfounder Super Kit Python code for Raspberry Pi

website: www.sunfounder.com

E-mail: support@sunfounder.com

###2016/01/13 update Summery:

  • Fix a bug on 05_rgb.py


  • Thanks for zygotine(We don't have his/her name, it's from his/her email address), fix the setColor function.

###2015/12/28 update Summery:

  • Remove 01_led_1.py
  • Rename 01_led_2.py to 01_led.py
  • Remove 02_btnAndLed_1.py
  • Rename 02_btnAndLed_2.py to 02_btnAndLed.py
  • Rearrange 04_pwmLed.py


  • For 01_led_1.py and 01_led_2.py, they are the same but with different coding structions. we remove the _1 and remane the _2 for the simillar struction. (Also see 02_btnAndLed_1.py and 02_btnAndLed_2.py)
  • For 04_pwmLed.py, we rearrange the structions also for the simillar struction.

###2015/06/12 update For 13_lcd1602: fix some bug for some Raspberry Pi B+.

  • Change pins:
  • RS =====> 27
  • EN =====> 22
  • D4 =====> 25
  • D5 =====> 24
  • D6 =====> 23
  • D7 =====> 18