
Voice swapping with VQ-VAE and diffusion models

Primary LanguagePython


This ongoing project aims to use diffusion models for speech generation and speaker conversion. It includes scripts for training and evaluating diffusion models on speech datasets like LibriSpeech.

This project initially started out as an experiment in using VQ-VAE + a diffusion model for speaker conversion. The results are now quite reasonable, but I am still working on improvements.

Using this codebase, you can record yourself speaking and change the voice in the recording without changing the actual content (i.e. words). See Using Pretrained Models for Speaker Conversion to try it out!

What's Included

This codebase includes data loaders for LibriSpeech, scripts to train diffusion models, VQ-VAEs, and classifiers, and various scripts for sampling and evaluating models.

You can train unconditional diffusion models on speech data using train_diffusion.py. The resulting diffusion models can then be sampled via sample_diffusion.py.

You can train speaker-conditional VQ-VAE + diffusion models using train_vqvae.py. The model can then be used for speaker conversion by running sample_vqvae.py.

You can train classifiers using train_classifier.py. Classifiers can be used with sample_diffusion.py to potentially improve sample quality, as done in Diffusion Models Beat GANs on Image Synthesis.

Using Pretrained Models for Speaker Conversion

You can download a pre-trained speaker conversion VQ-VAE here. In particular, download the file model_ema_0.99.pt and put it into this directory. You can then sample from this model like so, given a source audio file input.wav which is at least four seconds long:

python3 sample_vqvae.py \
  --encoding ulaw \
  --input-file input.wav \
  --label 0 \
  model_ema_0.99.pt \

Here we passed --label 0, where 0 is the target speaker class label. This JSON file shows how numerical class labels map to LibriSpeech speakers.

Evaluations for Unconditional Models

For generative modeling, loss or log-likelihood don't necessarily correspond well with sample quality. To evaluate sample quality, it is preferrable to use perception-aware evaluation metrics, typically by leveraging pre-trained models.

I have prepared evaluation metrics similar to Inception Score and FID, but for speech segments rather than images:

  • Class score is similar to Inception Score, and higher is better. This should be taken as a measure of individual sample quality and speaker coverage.
  • Frechet score is similar to FID, and lower is better. Frechet score measures both fidelity and diversity, or more generally how well two distributions match.

These evals use a pre-trained speaker classifier to extract features. For evaluating a diffusion model, you must first generate a directory of 10k samples using the sample_diffusion.py script. Next, download the pre-trained classifier, and run stat_generate.py on your samples to gather statistics and compute a class score. Then you can generate or download statistics for the training set, and run stat_compare.py to compute the Frechet score.

Results on Unconditional Generation

Here are all of the models I've trained (and released), with their corresponding evals. Each model links to a directory with samples, evaluation statistics, and the model checkpoints:

  • unet32: a 10M parameter UNet model with the default noise schedule. For this model, I sampled with 50 steps using a sample-time schedule t = s^2 where s is linearly spaced.
    • Class score: 47.1
    • Frechet score: 2494
  • unet64: a 50M parameter model which is otherwise similar to the unet32, but with some learning rate annealing at the end of training.
    • Class score: 69.0
    • Frechet score: 1834
  • unet64/early_stopped: like unet64, but without learning rate annealing. Surprisingly, the Frechet score is much better, suggesting some kind of overfitting.
    • Class score: 51.5
    • Frechet score: 855