
A tool to interact with HAProxy via stats socket

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A tool to manage HAProxy via stats socket.

It uses haproxyadmin Python library to interact with HAProxy and run all commands. One of the main feature is that can work with HAProxy in multi-process mode (nbproc > 1)



The command line interface tries to be friendly and compatible with the rest of the tools available in the Linux land. The docopt Python module is used to build the CLI interface.

Here is the basic syntax to start with:

% haproxytool
Usage: haproxytool [-v | -h] <command> [<args>...]

% haproxytool -h
A tool to manage HAProxy via the stats socket.

Usage: haproxytool [-v | -h] <command> [<args>...]

-h, --help                show this screen.
-v, --version             show version.

Available haproxytool commands are:
    haproxy   HAProxy operations
    frontend  Frontend operations
    backend   Backend operations
    server    Server operations
    dump      Dumps all informations
    map       Manage MAPs
    acl       Manage ACLs

See 'haproxytool help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

Keep reading for more details about each command.

Commands for HAProxy

  • Usage
% haproxytool haproxy --help
Manage haproxy

    haproxytool haproxy [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] (-a | -A | -C | -e | -i | -M |
                                            -o | -r | -u | -U | -V | -R | -p)
    haproxytool haproxy [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -m METRIC
    haproxytool haproxy [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -w OPTION VALUE
    haproxytool haproxy [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -c COMMAND

    DIR     Directory path with socket files
    OPTION  Option name to set a VALUE
    VALUE   Value to set
    METRIC  Name of a metric, use '-M' to get metric names

    -a, --all                   clear all statistics counters
    -A, --clear                 clear max values of statistics counters
    -c, --command               send a command to HAProxy
    -C, --maxconn               show configured maximum connection limit
    -e, --errors                show last know request and response errors
    -F SOCKET, --file SOCKET    socket file
    -i, --info                  show haproxy stats
    -m, --metric                show value of a METRIC
    -M, --show-metrics          show all metrics
    -o, --options               show value of options that can be changed with
                                '-w' option
    -p, --pids                  show PIDs of HAProxy processes
    -r, --requests              show total cumulative number of requests
                                processed by all processes
    -u, --uptime-secs           show uptime of HAProxy process in seconds
    -U, --uptime                show uptime of HAProxy process
    -V, --hap-version           show version of HAProxy
    -R, --release-date          show release date
    -w, --write                 set VALUE for an OPTION
    -D DIR, --socket-dir=DIR    directory with HAProxy socket files
                                [default: /var/lib/haproxy]

Commands for frontends

  • Usage
% haproxytool frontend --help
Manage frontends

    haproxytool frontend [-D DIR -F SOCKET] (-c | -r | -s | -o | -e | -p | -i)
    haproxytool frontend [-D DIR -F SOCKET] -w OPTION VALUE [NAME...]
    haproxytool frontend [-D DIR -F SOCKET] [-f ] (-d | -t) [NAME...]
    haproxytool frontend [-D DIR -F SOCKET] (-l | -M)
    haproxytool frontend [-D DIR -F SOCKET] -m METRIC [NAME...]

    DIR     Directory path with socket files
    SOCKET  Socket file
    VALUE   Value to set
    OPTION  Setting name
    METRIC  Name of a metric, use '-M' to get metric names

    -c, --showmaxconn         show max sessions
    -d, --disable             disable frontend
    -e, --enable              enable frontend
    -f, --force               force an operation
    -F SOCKET, --file SOCKET  socket file
    -h, --help                show this screen
    -i, --iid                 show proxy ID number
    -l, --show                show all frontends
    -m, --metric              show value of a metric
    -M, --show-metrics        show all metrics
    -o, --options             show value of options that can be changed with
                            '-w' option
    -p, --process             show process number
    -r, --requests            show requests
    -s, --status              show status
    -t, --shutdown            shutdown frontend
    -w, --write               change a frontend option
    -D DIR, --socket-dir=DIR  directory with HAProxy socket files
                            [default: /var/lib/haproxy]
  • Show status of frontend(s)
% haproxytool frontend -s
frontend_proc1 OPEN
frontend2_proc34 OPEN
haproxy OPEN
frontend1_proc34 OPEN
frontend_proc2 OPEN

% haproxytool frontend -s frontend2_proc34
frontend2_proc34 OPEN
  • Show requests
% haproxytool frontend -r frontend2_proc34
frontend2_proc34 10
  • Show in which HAProxy process a frontend is used
% haproxytool frontend -p frontend2_proc34
frontend2_proc34 [4, 3]
  • Show option(s) that can be changed
NOTE:Currently, HAProxy allows only to change the maximum connections option for the frontends.
% haproxytool frontend -o frontend_proc1
frontend_proc1 maxconn=1000000
  • Change an option
% haproxytool frontend -w maxconn 100000 frontend_proc1
frontend_proc1 set maxconn to 100000

% haproxytool frontend -o frontend_proc1
frontend_proc1 maxconn=100000
  • Changing an option for a frontend assigned to multiple HAProxy process
% haproxytool frontend -o frontend1_proc34
frontend1_proc34 maxconn=2000000

% haproxytool frontend -w maxconn 40000 frontend1_proc34
frontend1_proc34 set maxconn to 40000

% haproxytool frontend -o frontend1_proc34
frontend1_proc34 maxconn=80000

% haproxytool frontend -p frontend1_proc34
frontend1_proc34 [4, 3]
NOTE:It is not supported to change a option only to one of the HAProxy process
NOTE:The return value of the option is the sum of the values across all HAProxy processes

Commands for backends

  • Usage
% haproxytool backend --help
Manage backends

    haproxytool backend [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] (-S | -r | -p | -s | -i) [NAME...]
    haproxytool backend [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] (-l | -M)
    haproxytool backend [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -m METRIC [NAME...]

    DIR     Directory path with socket files
    SOCKET  Socket file
    METRIC  Name of a metric, use '-M' to get metric names

    -F SOCKET, --file SOCKET  socket file
    -h, --help                show this screen
    -i, --iid                 show proxy ID number
    -l, --show                show all backends
    -m, --metric              show value of a metric
    -M, --show-metrics        show all metrics
    -p, --process             show process number
    -r, --requests            show requests
    -s, --status              show status
    -S, --servers             show servers
    -D DIR, --socket-dir=DIR  directory with HAProxy socket files
                              [default: /var/lib/haproxy]

Commands for servers

  • Usage
% haproxytool server --help
Manage servers

    haproxytool server [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] (-A | -r | -s | -e | -R | -p | -W |
                    -i | -c | -C | -S | -X) [--backend=<name>...] [NAME...]
    haproxytool server [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -w VALUE [--backend=<name>...]
    haproxytool server [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -a VALUE [--backend=<name>...] NAME
    haproxytool server [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -x VALUE [--backend=<name>...] NAME
    haproxytool server [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] [-f ] (-d | -t | -n)
                    [--backend=<name>...] [NAME...]
    haproxytool server [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] (-l | -M)
    haproxytool server [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -m METRIC [--backend=<name>...]

    DIR     Directory path with socket files
    SOCKET  Socket file
    VALUE   Value to set
    METRIC  Name of a metric, use '-M' to get metric names

    -a, --address             set server's address
    -A, --show-address        show server's address
    -c, --show-check-code     show check code
    -C, --show-check-status   show check status
    -d, --disable             disable server
    -e, --enable              enable server
    -f, --force               force an operation
    -F SOCKET, --file SOCKET  socket file
    -h, --help                show this screen
    -i, --sid                 show server ID
    -l, --show                show all servers
    -m, --metric              show value of a metric
    -M, --show-metrics        show all metrics
    -n, --drain               drain server
    -p, --process             show process number
    -r, --requests            show requests
    -R, --ready               set server in normal mode
    -s, --status              show status
    -S, --show-last-status    show last check status
    -t, --maintenance         set server in maintenance mode
    -w, --weight              change weight for server
    -W, --get-weight          show weight of server
    -x --port                 set servers's port
    -X, --show-port           show servers's port
    -D DIR, --socket-dir=DIR  directory with HAProxy socket files
                              [default: /var/lib/haproxy]
  • List all servers
% haproxytool server -l
# backendname servername
backend1_proc34                bck1_proc34_srv1
backend1_proc34                bck1_proc34_srv2
backend1_proc34                bck_all_srv1
backend_proc2                  bck_proc2_srv4_proc2
backend_proc2                  bck_proc2_srv3_proc2
backend_proc2                  bck_proc2_srv2_proc2
backend_proc2                  bck_proc2_srv1_proc2
backend_proc1                  member1_proc1
backend_proc1                  member2_proc1
backend_proc1                  bck_all_srv1
backend2_proc34                bck2_proc34_srv1
backend2_proc34                bck_all_srv1
backend2_proc34                bck2_proc34_srv2
  • Show status of servers per backend
% haproxytool server -s --backend=backend_proc1
# backendname servername
backend_proc1                  bck_all_srv1                               DOWN
backend_proc1                  member1_proc1                              no check
backend_proc1                  member2_proc1                              no check

% haproxytool server -s --backend=backend_proc1 --backend=backend2_proc34
# backendname servername
backend_proc1                  member1_proc1                              no check
backend_proc1                  bck_all_srv1                               DOWN
backend_proc1                  member2_proc1                              no check
backend2_proc34                bck2_proc34_srv2                           UP
backend2_proc34                bck2_proc34_srv1                           no check
backend2_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               no check
  • Show weight of servers across all backends and per backend
% haproxytool server -W bck_all_srv1
# backendname servername
backend1_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               1
backend2_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               1
backend_proc1                  bck_all_srv1                               100

% haproxytool server -W bck_all_srv1 --backend=backend_proc1 --backend=backend2_proc34
# backendname servername
backend_proc1                  bck_all_srv1                               100
backend2_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               1
  • Set weight on servers across all backends and per backend
% haproxytool server -w 10 bck_all_srv1
bck_all_srv1 backend set weight to 10 in backend2_proc34 backend
bck_all_srv1 backend set weight to 10 in backend1_proc34 backend
bck_all_srv1 backend set weight to 10 in backend_proc1 backend

% haproxytool server -w 50 bck_all_srv1 --backend=backend_proc1 --backend=backend2_proc34
bck_all_srv1 backend set weight to 50 in backend_proc1 backend
bck_all_srv1 backend set weight to 50 in backend2_proc34 backend
  • Show requests
% haproxytool server -r bck_all_srv1
# backendname servername
backend_proc1                  bck_all_srv1                               0
backend2_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               2
backend1_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               10
  • Show/change address of a server
% haproxytool server -D /run/haproxy --show-port srv1
backend_dynamic                srv1                                       7777
% haproxytool server -D /run/haproxy --port 8888 srv1
set port for srv1 server to 8888 in backend_dynamic backend

% haproxytool server -D /run/haproxy --show-address srv1
backend_dynamic                srv1                              
% haproxytool server -D /run/haproxy --address srv1
set address for srv1 server to in backend_dynamic backend
  • List metric names available from the statistics
% haproxytool server -M

Please consult CSV format of HAProxy for their description.

  • Show the value of a specific metric
% haproxytool server -m bin bck_all_srv1
# backendname servername
backend1_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               760
backend2_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               152
backend_proc1                  bck_all_srv1                               0
  • Show in which HAProxy process a server is used
% haproxytool server -p bck_all_srv1
# backendname servername
backend2_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               [4, 3]
backend_proc1                  bck_all_srv1                               [1]
backend1_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               [4, 3]
  • Enable/disable a server
% haproxytool server -d bck_all_srv1
Are you sure we want to disable 3 servers y/n?: y
bck_all_srv1 disabled in backend1_proc34 backend
bck_all_srv1 disabled in backend_proc1 backend
bck_all_srv1 disabled in backend2_proc34 backend
NOTE:When more than one server are about to be disabled, user is prompted to confirm the action. Use -f to skip this confirmation.
% haproxytool server -s bck_all_srv1
# backendname servername
backend_proc1                  bck_all_srv1                               MAINT
backend2_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               MAINT
backend1_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               MAINT

% haproxytool server -e bck_all_srv1
bck_all_srv1 enabled in backend2_proc34 backend
bck_all_srv1 enabled in backend1_proc34 backend
bck_all_srv1 enabled in backend_proc1 backend

% haproxytool server -s bck_all_srv1
# backendname servername
backend1_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               UP
backend2_proc34                bck_all_srv1                               no check
backend_proc1                  bck_all_srv1                               DOWN

Dump command

  • Usage
% haproxytool dump --help
Dump a collection of information about frontends, backends and servers

    haproxytool dump [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] [-fbsh]

    SOCKET  Socket file

    -f, --frontends           show frontends
    -F SOCKET, --file SOCKET  socket file
    -b, --backends            show backends
    -s, --servers             show servers
    -D DIR, --socket-dir=DIR  directory with HAProxy socket files
                              [default: /var/lib/haproxy]

Map command

  • Usage
% haproxytool map --help
Manage MAPs

    haproxytool map [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -l
    haproxytool map [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] (-s | -c ) MAPID
    haproxytool map [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -g MAPID KEY
    haproxytool map [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] (-S | -A) MAPID KEY VALUE
    haproxytool map [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -d MAPID KEY

    DIR     Directory path with socket files
    MAPID   ID of the map or file returned by show map
    KEY     ID of key
    SOCKET  Socket file
    VALUE   Value to set

    -A, --add                 add a <KEY> entry into the map <MAPID>
    -F SOCKET, --file SOCKET  socket file
    -h, --help                show this screen
    -s, --show                show map
    -g, --get                 lookup the value of a key in the map
    -c, --clear               clear all entries for a map
    -l, --list                list all map ids
    -S, --set                 set a new value for a key in a map
    -d, --delete              delete all the map entries from the map <MAPID>
                              corresponding to the key <KEY>
    -D DIR, --socket-dir=DIR  directory with HAProxy socket files
                              [default: /var/lib/haproxy]
  • List all MAPIDs
% haproxytool map -l
# id (file) description
4 (/etc/haproxy/v-m1-bk) pattern loaded from file '/etc/haproxy/v-m1-bk'
used by map at file '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' line 87
  • Show the content of a map
% haproxytool map -s 4
0xb743f0 0 www.foo.com-0
0xb74460 1 www.foo.com-1
  • Add a key to a map
% haproxytool map -A 4 3 www.goo.com
key was added successfully

% haproxytool map -s 4
0xb743f0 0 www.foo.com-0
0xb74460 1 www.foo.com-1
0x28f0f50 3 www.goo.com
  • Delete an entry from a map
% haproxytool map -d 4 3
key was deleted successfully

% haproxytool map -s 4
0xb743f0 0 www.foo.com-0
0xb74460 1 www.foo.com-1
  • Set a value for a key in a map
% haproxytool map -S 4 1 bar.com
value was set successfully

% haproxytool map -s 4
0xb743f0 0 www.foo.com-0
0xb74460 1 bar.com
  • Clear all entries of a map
% haproxytool map -c 4
all entries of map were cleared successfully

% haproxytool map -s 4

NOTE:Currently, HAProxy doesn't allow to create new MAPs via the stats socket.

ACL command

  • Usage
% haproxytool acl --help
Manage ACLs

    haproxytool acl [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -l
    haproxytool acl [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] (-c | -s) ACLID
    haproxytool acl [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] (-A | -g ) ACLID VALUE
    haproxytool acl [-D DIR | -F SOCKET] -d ACLID KEY

    DIR     Directory path with socket files
    ACLID   ID of the acl or file returned by show acl
    SOCKET  Socket file
    VALUE   Value to set
    KEY     Key ID of ACL value/pattern

    -h, --help                show this screen
    -A, --add                 add a <KEY> entry into the acl <ACLID>
    -F SOCKET, --file SOCKET  socket file
    -s, --show                show acl
    -g, --get                 lookup the value of a key in the acl
    -c, --clear               clear all entries for a acl
    -l, --list                list all acl ids
    -d, --delete              delete all the acl entries from the acl <ACLID>
                              corresponding to the key <KEY>
    -D DIR, --socket-dir=DIR  directory with HAProxy socket files
                              [default: /var/lib/haproxy]
  • List all ACLIDs
% haproxytool acl -D /run/haproxy -l
# id (file) description
0 (/etc/haproxy/wl_stats) pattern loaded from file '/etc/haproxy/wl_stats' used by acl at file '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' line 55
1 () acl 'src' file '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' line 55
2 (/etc/haproxy/bl_frontend) pattern loaded from file '/etc/haproxy/bl_frontend' used by acl at file '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' line 85
3 () acl 'src' file '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' line 85
5 () acl 'ssl_fc' file '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' line 88
6 () acl 'req.cook' file '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' line 101
7 () acl 'req.cook' file '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' line 102
8 () acl 'req.cook' file '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' line 103
  • Show the content of a acl
% haproxytool acl -D /run/haproxy -s 2
  • Add an entry in a acl
% haproxytool acl -D /run/haproxy --add 2
value was added successfully

% haproxytool acl -D /run/haproxy -s 2
  • Delete an entry from acl
% haproxytool acl -D /run/haproxy --delete 2
key was deleted successfully

% haproxytool acl -D /run/haproxy -s 2
  • Lookup entries in acl for debugging purposes
% haproxytool acl -D /run/haproxy -g 2
type=ip, case=sensitive, match=yes, idx=tree, pattern=""

%haproxytool acl -D /run/haproxy -g 2
type=ip, case=sensitive, match=no
  • Clear all entries from a acl
% haproxytool acl -D /run/haproxy -s 2

% haproxytool acl -D /run/haproxy -c 2
all entries of acl were cleared successfully

% haproxytool acl -D /run/haproxy -s 2



  1. Bump version in haproxytool/__init__.py

  2. Commit above change with:

    git commit -av -m'RELEASE 0.1.3 version'
  3. Create a signed tag, pbr will use this for the version number:

    git tag -s 0.1.3 -m 'bump release'
  4. Create the source distribution archive (the archive will be placed in the dist directory):

    python setup.py sdist
  5. pbr updates ChangeLog file and we want to squeeze this change to the previous commit, thus run:

    git commit -av --amend
  6. Move current tag to the last commit:

    git tag -fs 0.1.3 -m 'bump release'
  7. Push changes:

    git push;git push --tags


Use pip:

pip install haproxytool

From Source:

python setup.py install

Build (source) RPMs:

python setup.py clean --all; python setup.py bdist_rpm

Build a source archive for manual installation:

python setup.py sdist


Apache 2.0


This program was originally developed for Booking.com. With approval from Booking.com, the code was generalised and published as Open Source on github, for which the author would like to express his gratitude.


Project website: https://github.com/unixsurfer/haproxytool

Author: Pavlos Parissis <pavlos.parissis@gmail.com>