Kegan Holtzhausen
This is a simple POC JavaScript webapp embedded into a django application server This django server delivers an iOS app-like webapp featuring views and gauges for data that you might want to visualize in this way.
If the app is bookmarked to iOS home screen it can be used just like any iOS app.
The gauges are dojox gauges loaded via a custom JS widget which equips the gauges with self-updating timers.
Gauges are added via django admin interface.
Tested on: Debian Python 2.7 Django 1.3.1
Unpack to /opt/appgauges
Customize and correct APPDYN_* variables and paths to static content if not in /opt/appgauges
Configure database ( sqlite is fine ) in
init db: python syncdb
import testdata: python loaddata fixtures/dashboard.json
Start dev server:
python runserver
Customize gauge REST URLs:
To customize the example map view:
By default map view only shows gauges names {{COUNTRY}}_avgStallCount, to change this,
adjust names of URL variables if not in the form of {{COUNTRY}}_avgStallCount in
See lines like:
url: settings.urls[country + '_avgStallCount'],
country is rendered as a string like 'Sweden'
Access Dashboard via:
The default configuration uses django template engine to insert gauges into settings.js and views.js which are
within dashboard/templates/dashboard. If you want to run with static gauges coded right into the js pages and
skip the databse, you need to customize the JS files in dashboard/static/dashboard/js/ *
To Enable Static Mode:
set DATABASEMODE in to False
add gauges in dashboard/static/dashboard/js/settings.js
reference settings.js gauges in dashboard/static/dashboard/js/views.js
reference gauges in dashboard/templates/dashboard/index-static.html
Dojo 1.7.2 has a memory leak bug for the gauge objects in the form of SVG data which is not cleaned up when the
gauge updates. see:
This means that your gauge update frequency and count will cause your browser to accumulate heap over time.
Configuring gauges to update less frequently is better. However you will eventually have to reload the page
to purge unreleased memory. add a hourly metatag to page refresh in header if you need it.