a couchbase eventbus worker. This worker connects to your couchbase cluster and listens on the VertX eventbus for queries.
This is fork of scalabl3/vertx-couchbase, extended to support:
- async / sync booting
- config handling
- newer client implementation
- View based queries
- Cluster management commands
- Boot class
- Testing testing testing
- Performance Testing
Sync and Async differ slightly in that Sync mode accepts persistTo and replicateTo flags, which are blocking calls, So those flags are NOT supported in Async until CouchBase supports Observe. See: [http://www.couchbase.com/wiki/display/couchbase/Observe]
This is a gradle project, so please see "gradlew tasks", typical options are:
./gradlew fatJar
Everything rolled into one huge jar which you can run with: "java -jar somefatjar.jar -cp somepath to resources -conf someconf.json -cluster"
See resources directory for default configs.
./gradlew build
Build the VertX module as per usual, the resulting module is normally run with "vertx run fully-qualified-module-name -conf someconf.json"
./gradlew modZip
Wrap the build up into zip which is portable without m2 repos. Run with "vertx runzip …"
./gradlew install
Send the module to your maven-like repo, depending on your ~/.m2/settings.xml.
This mod accepts a json conf file as per VertX standards. this can be passed with -conf somefile.json on the command line.
"async_mode": true, // tells the Boot class to start async or sync mode
"address": "vertx.couchbase.async", // the eventbus address this module listens on
"couchbase.nodelist": "localhost:8091", // comma separated list of couchbase nodes
"couchbase.bucket": "default", // the bucket to connect to
"couchbase.bucket.password": "", // password if any for the bucket
"couchbase.num.clients": 1, // number of clients to open towards the couch cluster
"couchbase.manager": true, // start the manager command listener
"couchbase.manager.username": "Administrator", // credentials to manager
"couchbase.manager.password": "password", // credentials for manager
if running fatjars, you can specify you own cluster.xml like: "java -jar some-fatjar.jar -cp /path/to/conf/dir -cluster -conf /path/to/conf/dir/config.json"
if running via vertx itself you can edit VERTX_HOME/conf/cluster.xml
See hazelcast documentation and vertx documentation for more info.
vertx runmod com.scalabl3~vertxmods.couchbase~1.0.0-final -conf conf.json -cluster
if you built a fat-jar with gradlew fatJar, you can run it like so:
CONF_DIR = dir where cluster.xml, langs.properties, conf.json lare
java -jar some-fatjar.jar -cp $CONF_DIR -cluster -conf $CONF_DIR/config.json
This module speaks JSON, so you will want to send messages as JSON to the module, and encode data/value portions of your documents with Gson, see the tests directory for examples.
Creates a bucket
"management": "CREATEBUCKET",
"name": "test",
"bucketType": "couchbase", // couchbase or memcached
"memorySizeMB": 128,
"replicas": 0, // number of nodes to replicate to
"authPassword": "", // desired password for the bucket
"flushEnabled": true, // allow flushing
"ack": false
"response": {
"success": true
Deletes a bucket, you might want to flush it first!
"management": "DELETEBUCKET",
"name": "test",
"ack": true
"response": {
"success": true
Deletes all documents in a bucket, please note the response comes back when the cluster accepts your command, NOT when the bucket is flushed!
"management": "FLUSHBUCKET",
"name": "test",
"ack": true
"response": {
"success": true
"response": {
"data": [
"success": true
Create a design doc and views
"name": "dev_test1",
"value": "{\"language\":\"javascript\",\"views\":{\"view1\":{\"map\":\"function(a, b) {}\"}}}",
"ack": true
"response": {
"key": null,
"timestamp": 1400964336627,
"success": true
For ease, I recommend using
- com.couchbase.client.protocol.views.DesignDoc
- com.couchbase.client.protocol.views.ViewDesign
ViewDesign view1 = new ViewDesign(
"function(a, b) {}"
DesignDocument dd = new DesignDocument("testtest");
JsonObject request = new JsonObject().putString("op", "CREATEDESIGNDOC")
.putString("name", "dev_test1")
.putString("value", dd.toJson())
.putBoolean("ack", true);
Returns the design doc for a view.
"response": {
"key": null,
"timestamp": 1400959460270,
"exists": true,
"data": {
"language": "javascript",
"views": {
"test": {
"map": "function (doc, meta) {\n emit(meta.id, null);\n}"
"success": true
"name": "dev_test",
"ack": true
"response": {
"key": null,
"timestamp": 1400970226990,
"success": true
Set a key
"op": "SET",
"key": "user1001",
"value", "data",
"ack": true
{ "response": { "op": "SET", "key": "user1001", "keys": null, "timestamp": 1401269324115, "success": true } }
This is a slightly different example by creating a hashmap and then converting that to the JSON message via another method.
ArrayList<String> x = new ArrayList<String>();
cbop.put("op", "set");
cbop.put("key", "user1001");
cbop.put("value", encode(x));
cbop.put("ack", true);
The act method.
public void act(HashMap<String, Object> cmd)
if(cmd == null)
JsonObject notif = new JsonObject();
for(String key : cmd.keySet())
Object value = cmd.get(key);
if(value != null)
if(value instanceof byte[])
notif.putBinary(key, (byte[]) value);
else if(value instanceof Boolean)
notif.putBoolean(key, (Boolean) value);
else if(value instanceof Number)
notif.putNumber(key, (Number) value);
else if(value instanceof String)
notif.putString(key, (String) value);
else if(value instanceof JsonArray)
notif.putArray(key, (JsonArray) value);
System.out.println("sent: \n" + notif.encode());
push(notif); // push method send the JSON object to the listening address.
"op": "GET",
"key": "user1",
"ack": true
"response": {
"op": "GET",
"key": "user1",
"keys": null,
"timestamp": 1401269292224,
"exists": true,
"data": {
"value": "{\"username\":\"user1\",\"password\":\"somepassword\"}"
"success": true
Query a view for some documents.
Assuming I have the following document structure.
"username": "user10003",
"password": "somepassword"
and the following view
function (doc, meta) {
emit(doc.username, [doc.username, doc.password]);
example query to send over eventbus in JSON.
example of query construction in JAVA
JsonObject request = new JsonObject().putString("op", "QUERY")
.putString("design_doc", "users")
.putString("view_name", "users")
.putString("key", "user99990")
.putBoolean("include_docs", true)
.putBoolean("ack", true);
vertx.eventBus().send(config.getString("address"), request, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>()...
A couple of tests for sync.
./gradlew test -Dtest.single=QueryTests ./gradlew test -Dtest.single=Main
./gradlew test
./gradlew test -Dtest.single=TestPerformance