
AWS Route 53 IP updater written in go

Primary LanguageGo


Build Status (Travis)
Go_ip_updater is a tool written in golang designed to monitor and update changing IP's. This tool is designed to combat an ISP's dynamic IP assignment. Every time an exteral IP changes go_ip_updater can update route53 almost immediately.

Running go_ip_updater

There are 2 main ways to run go_ip_updater:

  1. From Source: After obtaining the binary file you can simply run it with a few parameters (shown below).
    make dependencies
    make run

  2. ACI/rkt: We have publically hosted ACI images available for use, check them out here or build for yourself with:
    make dependencies
    make build_aci

If you are not interested in building the image yourself you can grab it with:
rkt fetch unixvoid.com/go_ip_updater.

To run go_ip_updater we recommend using systemd. You can find our service file here
To set up to run all the time copy go_ip_updater.service to /etc/systemd/system/ and issue the following commands:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload to get the service file loaded
sudo systemctl start go_ip_updater to start the service
sudo systemctl enable go_ip_updater to run the service on boot

before getting started with systemd make sure to follow our configuration guide below!


go_ip_updater can take a couple command line arguments to get going quickly, but uses a configuration file for the rest.

Command line arguments:
-loglevel: will set the loglevel for the updater (defaults to info)
possible choices are debug, info, error.
-config: path the the configuration (defaults to goip.list)

Config file:

# go_ip_updater config
configKey:     <key>
configSecret:  <secret>
configZoneId:  <zone_id>
configTTL:     30
configURL:     http://checkip.amazonaws.com

# domain list

The configuration file is pretty straightforward but will need to be filled out with specific AWS details. configKey and configSecret will come straight from user invoking the service while configZoneId is the zone ID for your route53 domain.
configTTL is not only the TTL for the configured A records, but will be how often (in seconds) that go_ip_updater polls to see if an IP has changed.
configURL is the URL that will be used to check the external IP. This doesn't have to be set to amazons service, but we find it to have the best response times.

The domain list is the list of A names that go_ip_updater will update, there is no limit to the ammount of domain names to control.