User-friendly and simple API to create, play and control taunts, dances and any other player sequences.

By default addon does not contain animations from Custom Taunt, you can install them individually, check out this collection: uTaunt


  • High Performance - addon has a very low hardware requirements.
  • Simple - users have access to one small menu with all sequences.
  • Extensibility - other developers can expand the list of available sequences.
  • Reliable - all sequences are synchronized both on server and client, implemented work with network and PVS.
  • Co-op Dances - addon supports creating co-dances, as an example we have 2 dances from MMD ( Custom Taunt ).
  • Support - addon will receive all necessary patches and updates during the year.
  • Modifiable - addon lets you replace its menu and individual playback control by other scripts.

Where is Lua code?

Written in Yuescript, compiled Lua code can be found in releases and lua branch, or you can compile it yourself using compiled Yuescript Compiler.


Server Functions

  • boolean uTaunt.Start( Player ply, string sequenceName, boolean force, float cycle, Vector startOrigin, Angle startAngles ) - returns true if successful, otherwise false.
  • boolean uTaunt.Join( Player ply, Player dancingPlayer ) - returns true if successful, otherwise false.
  • boolean uTaunt.Finish( Player ply ) - returns true if successful, otherwise false.
  • string - uTaunt.SetSequenceName( Player ply, string sequenceName ) - sets sequence name as string.
  • boolean uTaunt.SetCycle( Player ply, int sequenceID, float cycle ) - sets sequence progress from 0 to 1 as float, returns true if successful, otherwise false.
  • uTaunt.SetRenderAngles( Player ply, Angle angles ) - sets angles of player render as Angle.
  • uTaunt.IsAudioEnabled( Player ply ) - returns true if sequences audio is enabled.
  • uTaunt.IsCoopEnabled( Player ply ) - returns true if sequences in co-op mode is enabled.
  • uTaunt.IsLoopingEnabled( Player ply ) - returns true if sequence looping is enabled.

Shared Functions

  • table uTaunt.FindSequences( Entity entity, string pattern ) - returns list with sequences data like { id = 0, name = "idle", duration = 1 }.
  • boolean uTaunt.IsValidTauntingPlayer( Entity entity ) - returns true if entity is a valid and alive player that using uTaunt ( taunt at this time ).
  • boolean uTaunt.IsPlayingTaunt( Player ply ) - returns true if player is using uTaunt ( taunt at this time ).
  • string uTaunt.GetSequenceName( Player ply ) - returns current sequence name as string.
  • double uTaunt.GetStartTime( Player ply ) - returns start time point in CurTime as double.
  • float uTaunt.GetCycle( Player ply, int sequenceID, double startTime ) - retuns sequence progress from 0 to 1 as float.
  • Angle uTaunt.GetRenderAngles( Player ply ) - returns player render angles as Angle.

Client Functions

  • boolean IsInTaunt() - returns true if local player is taunting.
  • uTaunt.ToggleMenu( Player ply ) - toggles uTaunt menu.
  • string uTaunt.GetPhrase( string placeholder ) - returns localized phrase as string.
  • boolean uTaunt.IsAudioEnabled() - returns true if sequences audio is enabled.
  • boolean uTaunt.IsCoopEnabled() - returns true if coop sequences is allowed.
  • boolean uTaunt.IsLoopingEnabled() - returns true if sequence looping is enabled.
  • integer uTaunt.GetCameraMode() - returns camera mode as integer.

Shared Hooks

  • GM:TauntStartCommand( Player ply, CUserCommand cmd, string sequenceName ) - called when player taunting, here can be returned the bit number of buttons that the player presses.
  • GM:UnknownTauntSound( Player ply, string sequenceName, float cycle, double duration, int sequenceID ) - called when player starts dancing, if string is returned here then sound will be used on string as sound path, if false then sound will be blocked, if true or nil then default action. Also accepts links to web audio files and online radio stations.
  • GM:PlayerTauntThink( Player ply, boolean isUTaunt ) - called while player is taunting.

Server Hooks

  • GM:PlayerStartedUnknownTaunt( Player ply, string sequenceName, double duration ) - called when a player's taunt was started.
  • GM:PlayerFinishedTaunt( Player ply, string sequenceName, boolean isFinished, double timeRemaining, int sequenceID, double finishTime ) - called when a player's taunt was stopped.
  • GM:PlayerShouldUnknownTaunt( Player ply, int sequenceID ) - if false is returned here, taunt will be blocked, if true then allowed.
  • GM:PlayerShouldFinishTaunt( Player ply, string sequenceName, boolean isFinished, double timeRemaining, int sequenceID, double finishTime ) - if return here false taunt won't be stopped ( personally, I don't recommend using this, but if you need... ).
  • GM:UnknownTauntThink( Player ply, string sequenceName, float cycle, int sequenceID ) - called while a player is taunting, if false is returned here, taunt will be stopped.
  • GM:PlayerShouldCoopTaunt( Player ply, Player otherPlayer, string sequenceName ) - if false is returned here, then cooperative dancing will be forbidden, if true it will be allowed.

Client Hooks

  • GM:AllowTauntMenu( Player ply ) - if false is returned here then taunt menu opening will be blocked.
  • GM:UnknownTauntMenuSetup( Player ply, function add ) - called when taunt menu is being created, with 'add' you can add more taunts and categories to that menu add( "title", sequenceNamesList ).
  • GM:AllowUnknownTaunt( Player ply, string sequenceName, string categoryTitle ) - taunt filter for a player, if false is returned here, taunt will be hidden in the taunt menu.
  • GM:UnknownTauntSynced( Player ply, string sequenceName, float cycle, int sequenceID, boolean isWebAudio ) - called when player taunt is being synced.
  • GM:PlayerFinishedTaunt( Player ply, string sequenceName ) - called when player is finished taunt.