I have always had such troubles:
Videos downloaded on the Internet(cannot be posted to public platforms due to copyright issues), need to be played on computer and mobile phone (tablet), But don’t want to copy the video to each device, so there is this project.
This is a LAN video server, which can be deployed on any device (with operating system) in the LAN (even Raspberry Pi)
- Computer(Windows, Linux, Mac)
- MobilePhone or tablet
- RaspberryPie
It is built using the following open source project
- Any LAN device can be deployed
- PlayList
- Timed play
- Multi-language support
Install Node.js
Open Terminal / PowerShell / cmd
Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/unknown-marketwizards/lantube.git
Enter folder
cd lantube/frontend
Install the required library files
yarn install
yarn build
Install rust
Enter folder
cd lantube
cargo build --release
./target/release/lantube --addr "Directory / for / storing / videos"
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