
Generated python code analysing time series and extracting patterns from it.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Time series pattern recognition using generated python code

Generated python code analysing time series and extracting patterns from it.

The generated functions are based on a model created by some researchers (see reseachers).

The model uses accumulators to extract aggregations on features of a pattern occurrences in a time series.

All function generated are based on a aggregator_feature_pattern model (see models).


  1. Models
  2. How to
  3. Contributors



Pattern name Regex
bump_on_decreasing_sequence >><>>
decreasing >
increasing <
decreasing_sequence >(>
decreasing_terrace >=+>
dip_on_increasing_sequence <<><<
gorge (>|(>(=|>)>))(<|(<(=|<)<))
increasing_sequence <(<|=)*<|<
increasing_terrace <=+<
inflexion <(<|=)>|>(>|=)<
peak <(=|<)(>|=)>
plain >=*<
plateau <=*>
proper_plain >=+<
proper_plateau <=+>
steady =
steady_sequence =+
strictly_increasing_sequence <+
strictly_decreasing_sequence >+
summit (<|(<(=|<)<))(>|(>(=|>)>))
valley >(=|>)(<|=)<
zigzag (<>)+(<|<>)|(><)+(>|><)

Example :

Data : [4,4,2,2,3,5,5,6,3,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1]
Signature : =>=<<=<>>=<=====>

Peak regex : <(=|<)*(>|=)*>

Peak pattern occurrences : <<=<>> & <=====>


Name Meaning
one Identity feature
width Width of a pattern occurrence
height Height of a pattern occurrence
max Largest value among items of a pattern occurrence
min Lowest value among items of a pattern occurrence
surface Surface of a pattern occurrence


Name Meaning
max Largest value among features of pattern occurrences
min Lowest value among features of pattern occurrences
sum Sum of feature values of pattern occurrences

How to

How to generate functions

From /src execute the following command :

python generator.py    

This should generate generated.py file in /src/generated.

How to test

From /src execute the following command :

python test.py    

This should output test results in command window.

Tested functions : 123 out of 396 generated

How to use

Just pick up the desired function from /src/generated/generated.py.

All generated functions are standalone. It means you can just copy-paste them and use it. But, don't forget to import operator in your file as the function operator.add() is used.

Data inputs are expected to be an integer array :

data = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

Here is an example of a python file using only min_min_increasing_sequence function :

import operator

data = [4,3,5,5,2,1,1,3,3,4,6,6,3,1,3,3]

def min_min_increasing_sequence(data):
    C = float('inf')
    D = float('inf')
    R = float('inf')
    currentState = 's'
    for i in xrange(1,len(data)):    
        if(i < len(data)):        
            C_temp = C            
            D_temp = D            
            R_temp = R            
            if data[i] > data[i-1]:            
                if currentState == 's':                
                    C = min(min(D_temp,data[i-1]),data[i])                    
                    D = float('inf')                    
                    currentState = 't'                    
                elif currentState == 't':                
                    C = min(C_temp,min(D_temp,data[i]))                    
                    D = float('inf')                    
                    currentState = 't'                    
            elif data[i] < data[i-1]:            
                if currentState == 's':                
                    currentState = 's'                    
                elif currentState == 't':                
                    C = float('inf')                    
                    D = float('inf')                    
                    R = min(R_temp,C_temp)                    
                    currentState = 's'                    
            elif data[i] == data[i-1]:            
                if currentState == 's':                
                    currentState = 's'                    
                elif currentState == 't':                
                    D = min(D_temp,data[i])                    
                    currentState = 't'                    
    return min(R,C) 

print min_min_increasing_sequence(data) 
# supposed to print '1'  


  • Florine Cercle
  • Denis Allard