
The new and better version of ALLDB

Primary LanguageTypeScript

AllDB 2 - The newest version of the AllDB project

AllDB is a web project that allows me to store humans data like their images, sex, name, username, social media...

How to run me?

Before running AllDB locally, you must set up a PostgreSQL database, I recommend using AWS

after doing so, add it to .env like that


then run the following

$ yarn
$ prisma db push
$ prisma generate
$ yarn dev


$ npm install
$ npx prisma db push
$ npx prisma generate
$ npm run dev


This version came to improve two specific things over the first version

  • Allowing images to be uploaded so that it stores the image url in the database instead of the base64 encoding, because it takes a large amount of time and storage to store.
  • Improving the UI to look more fresh by using NextJS


Honestly I don't think changing the framework was a wise decision because It was not really productive to work using NextJS, for this reason, the next version(if there is one) might use Remix again

Advices for V3

  • Design the UI before the coding
  • Build an API to handle errors better
  • Add more features like adding videos, documents...


Feel free to contact me at unknown989@proton.me