
Any example: crash on Linux

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I get the following error whenever I try to run an example

cargo run --bin 00
[wayland-client error] Attempted to dispatch unknown opcode 0 for wl_shm, aborting.

Everything is ok on my manjaro machine, so I cannot reproduce this problem.
This probably cause by using conflicting version of wayland-client and winit. See also Smithay/wayland-rs#357.
Try to upgrade or downgrade version for crate wayland-client or winit like following:

# crate version on my machine
wayland-client    = "=0.23.6"  # Use '=' to specify the exact version you want
wayland-protocols = "=0.23.6"
wayland-sys       = "=0.23.6"
winit             = "=0.20.0"

Thank for the quick answer. Since the problem comes from winit and not your repository, I'm closing this issue.