
This project is an application that simulates the process of purchasing a product using the PayPal payment method. It was developed using the PayPal sandbox environment.


  • The customer fills in their details on the initial screen, including name, email, phone number, and full address.
  • Address details are validated using the Google Maps API.
  • If the data passes validation, clicking on the PayPal button initiates the purchase creation process.
  • The user follows the normal PayPal process, entering their registered username and password.
  • The next step is to confirm the purchase details, such as payment method, amount, and address.
  • The address is transmitted from the form to the PayPal platform so the user doesn't need to fill in the details again, but they can alter the information if desired.
  • After confirmation by the user, the purchase process is completed with a message returning the user's data and their Transaction ID.

Technologies Used


  • Express.js: Framework for web application development in Node.js.
  • Cors: Middleware to enable CORS in Express APIs.
  • Dotenv: Used to load environment variables from a .env file.
  • Node-fetch: Module for making HTTP requests on the server side.
  • UUID: Used for generating unique UUIDs.

Backend Features

  • Generate Access Token: Uses OAuth2 authentication to make subsequent calls.
  • Create Order: Uses the generated token to create an order in PayPal.
  • Capture Payment: Captures payment data after the purchase order is created.


  • React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Styled-components: Library for styling components with CSS-in-JS.
  • React-hot-toast: Used for displaying notifications elegantly.
  • @paypal/react-paypal-js: Official PayPal package for payment integration in React.
  • @react-google-maps/api: Used for address verification through the Google Maps API.

Frontend Features

  • Data filled by the customer in the form is saved in localStorage for later use.
  • Address verification is done using the Google Maps library, comparing the user's address with the Google Maps API response.
  • After the user confirms the payment on PayPal, a message containing the purchase details and transaction ID is promptly displayed to the customer. This provides reassurance and confirmation of the successful transaction.

Environment Variables

Before running the application, ensure you set up the following environment variables in a .env file in the back-end folder:

  • PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID: Your PayPal client ID obtained from the PayPal Developer Dashboard.
  • PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET: Your PayPal client secret obtained from the PayPal Developer Dashboard.

These environment variables are necessary for the integration with PayPal's APIs.

Installation and Usage

  • Clone this repository.
  • Install frontend and backend dependencies with npm install.
  • Start the backend server with "npm start".
  • Start the frontend application with "npm run dev".
  • Access the application in your browser at http://localhost:5173.