
An api that connects to mongodb to fetch records

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The API has been built using node.js and express.js and functions by fetching data from a mongo.db database.
Ensure that you have a functioning mongo.db database setup before running the API on postman.

Navigate to the db_api directory and install the required modules using npm:
npm install express node body-parser mongoose nodemon

First start the database server using -

To import the csv database into mongo.db, run the following command -
mongoimport --type csv-d record_db -c records --headerline --drop final_db.csv

Then make sure you are in db_api/ and run the command -
npm run start

Now the setup is running and you can use postman to test your API. The parameters need to be passed using x-www-form-urlencode to the Body.

The API will be hosted on http://localhost:3000/
To get all records, use - http://localhost:3000/records
To get details of a single person, use -
http://localhost:3000/findrecord and pass parameter name as explained above and in the accompanying video.