source of app prototype for AQA sensor


source of app prototype APP for AQA sensor

what can do AQA app ?

data and logs visualistation form serial monitor is better for AQA sensor and have some colors ;-) see more here

you need use specify fireware like AQAHC-06 you can implement into other AQA code

whats is important to implement

  • Bluethoot, work with hc-06

  • prints like pm25, data from dht, led colors like "verde , amarillo ,rojo"...

  • use 9600 bauds


see more the commit

i want to contribute


you can export unloquer_AQA.aia in mit app inventor

we wait you contribution

common problems

Problem :never upload fireware and dont show error log Solution :disconect hc-06 when you upload the fireware
