
Code for SReachTools Kernel Module

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Code for the paper, "SReachTools Kernel Module: Data-Driven Stochastic Reachability Using Hilbert Space Embeddings of Distributions," HSCC 2021.

The code is provided in a CodeOcean capsule, located here, DOI: 10.24433/CO.7737058.v1.

Table of Contents


This repository contains the repeatability code and documentation for the algorithms and plots presented in "SReachTools Kernel Module: Data-Driven Stochastic Reachability Using Hilbert Space Embeddings of Distributions". It contains an implementation of two algorithms, called KernelEmbeddings and KernelEmbeddingsRFF, included in the upcoming release of SReachTools.


Documentation for the code is provided throughout. The documentation is formatted as easily-readable Markdown. Each folder contains a top-level description of the folder contents and the purpose of the code contained inside, each file also contains comments and documentation to describe the code purpose and usage. More information and updates can be found at the SReachTools website.


  • How do I get the code? The code is provided as a CodeOcean capsule, located here. Alternatively, the code can be downloaded by exporting the CodeOcean capsule to your system, with repeatability instructions provided in the REPRODUCING.md file generated by CodeOcean. The code can also be cloned using git from the GitHub repository page ajthor-ortiz-HSCC2021 using the following command, or downloaded directly using the following link: https://github.com/unm-hscl/ajthor-ortiz-HSCC2021/archive/master.zip. Use the Dockerfile to build the Docker image, and run the code from within the container. This will require you to attach a Matlab license to the container, and is recommended only for advanced users.
git clone https://github.com/unm-hscl/ajthor-ortiz-HSCC2021.git
  • How do I use the code? It is recommended that the code be run from the CodeOcean capsule, located here, using the 'Reproducible Run' button.
  • I just want to see the implementation. Implementations of the algorithms are located here.


This code has been tested and run on macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave), as well as Ubuntu 18.04.3 (Bionic Beaver) using Matlab (R2019a) Update 5. It should also run in any newer version of Matlab.

  • Does the code have any dependencies? The KernelEmbeddings and KernelEmbeddingsRFF algorithms require SReachTools to be downloaded and installed on your system, but have no additional dependencies. SReachTools requires MPT and other algorithms may require CVX and a solver such as Gurobi.

Repeatability Instructions

It is recommended that the code be run from the CodeOcean capsule, located here. On the capsule page, click 'Reproducible Run' to run the code and generate all figures.

If you would like to reproduce the results locally, download the CodeOcean capsule by exporting the CodeOcean capsule to your system and following the instructions in the REPRODUCING.md file generated by CodeOcean.

The main entry points for the code are located in the code directory and are labeled run.sh and run_all.m. These scripts generate the figures and tables used in the paper and should serve as the main repeatability files.