- 0
Extension is not being activated
#57 opened by alfooscxx - 1
#56 opened by RudraShivm - 0
Other Languages Support
#55 opened by michirakara - 0
- 3
Codeforces||| Website could not be analyzed; not found '.problem-statement > .header > .title';
#47 opened by FarihaMehzabin - 0
- 0
Codeforces Network request fails
#51 opened by Janix4000 - 0
- 1
network request failed; error sending request: JsValue(Object({"message":"request to failed, reason: certificate has expired","type":"system","errno":"CERT_HAS_EXPIRED","code":"CERT_HAS_EXPIRED"})); report issue?
#49 opened by kaizerx31 - 3
Stress Test is never stopping
#48 opened by gratus907 - 4
Atcoder live contest .
#42 opened by krsinghshubham - 4
Notification Sound (Feature Request)
#46 opened by krsinghshubham - 1
website could not be analyzed; missing field `problem_name` at line 2 column 82;
#45 opened by KushagraMehta - 12
- 2
Add mirror for codeforces
#44 opened by ciwomuli - 3
Customize Project Direcotry
#43 opened by theMasix - 10
Compilation Error bug
#41 opened by krsinghshubham - 4
"MinGW not installed"
#40 opened by krsinghshubham - 5
Every time i tries to submit a solution , an error stating "MinGw not installed" is popped up.
#33 opened by dhnanj2 - 0
Problem Not loading
#39 opened by yshkp - 3
- 2
Change Default download location
#37 opened by Preetam2114 - 1
mingw compiler
#36 opened by gnana-19 - 1
Unrecognized verdict in Codechef
#35 opened by Raju235 - 4
- 4
- 6
Can you add a feature to show ongoing competitions on different website. Currently using alt+F9 it shows competitions which will start in future.
#23 opened by nadimakhtar97 - 1
- 5
- 1
Changed codeforces account password, now extension giving error and it has no option to change credential details.
#27 opened by arunjain9988 - 1
- 1
- 6
- 1
Not fetching test cases
#26 opened by ShridharGoel - 2
Is testing with Alt+0 defaulted by DEBUG mode?
#25 opened by gratus907 - 1
Could not parse Codechef past problem
#24 opened by JVJplus - 7
unexpected HTML structure (External("unrecognized logic outcome") at [External]);
#19 opened by shubhamgupta107 - 3
some bug in windows
#20 opened by zoolily - 1
Add support to start contest from group
#18 opened by bruce-willis - 2
I can't save password if I use WSL
#17 opened by ciwomuli - 1
How to switch codeforces accounts?
#16 opened by h0cheung - 2
- 3
- 5
Stop execution of tests after TLE or MLE
#8 opened by mikaelmello - 3
- 2
- 1
How to reset login credentials?
#12 opened by GaurangTandon - 5
force submit
#13 opened by dcrystalj - 1
- 2
Display time and memory count in tests
#9 opened by mikaelmello