A database for a model based on the Fair Trade Alliance, Kerala

Primary LanguagePython


A database and frontend to access and manage different farmer and customer details in a presumed database of the Fair Trade Alliances, Kerala.


Written in PSQL. The definition of the database can be found in db-definitions.
Involves tables, roles, functions, triggers, views and indices required for the database.


Backend is written in Python (SQLAlchemy and psycopg2). Can be found in app/api/database.py.
Involves all the calls to the database required to be made from front end as well as some database functions which require more elaborate code to write, such as defining an individual table for each farmer on creation of a farmer user.


Written in Python (Flask), HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Code can be found in app/app.py, app/templates/ and app/static.
Front end is a website that provides access to sign up and log in pages for Customers and Farmers, platform for Farmers to put up requests for adding Plots, Products and Depots to their profile, for customers to request for a trade and for Inspectors to approve each of these requests.


Sujit Mandava