
An exploration of OCR techniques and their effectivity on South Indian Lanugages.

Primary LanguagePython


An exploration of OCR techniques and their effectivity on South Indian Lanugages.

ImageTemplate.py : File which contains some functions to handle bitmaps. Find the documentation in ImageTemplate.md.
CompareLetters.py : Script to compare a specific letter with all the other letters in a given directory.

To use the following scripts, first extract ./Letters/archives.zip into the same directory.

TestMosaicModel.py, TestCircleModel.py, TestRadialModel.py : Script to test the corresponding model on a large dataset and save the output into a csv.

ValidateTrainingData.py : Validate the correctness of the predictions from the previous scripts. use with file name of csv as argument.

SegregateByOrder.md : Segregate the letter into different categories based on their order parameter and pick representative from each category