A script that installs the UniFi Controller software on pfSense and other FreeBSD systems
- Anasxrt
- bhusangBay Area, CA
- bntjahBelgium
- bramdierickKenya
- charliecano
- chrisg1
- Comp-Ex
- desiaznwitekid
- didge1024
- dvdp
- ekstrandStockholm, Sweden
- eltron247Delaware, USA
- gblmarquez@NFE
- gozoinksHouston, TX
- gumerlockSF Bay Area, CA
- helamonster
- jdetmold
- jhcloos
- jmcphailHAKAI Energy Solutions
- mimizoneMicroByre
- NickJLange5L Labs
- olavimmanuelNorway
- OsvaldoJ
- PFitzy
- Programmer095Hyland Holdings, LLC
- Rabie-ZamaneJarltech Europe
- reversonAurora
- RipNRun
- roens
- romanab
- shoopdawoop
- springermacUnited States
- sprocktech@sprockteam
- susobaco
- therevomanRed Hat, Inc
- wyrickre