TypeScript Essential Training

TypeScript Essential Training

This repository contains practice examples that I created while taking the TypeScript Essential Training course on LinkedIn Learning. The course covers the fundamentals of TypeScript such as data types, classes, generics, modules, decorators and working with types to ensure type safety in TypeScript applications.

How to use this repository

Each folder in this repository corresponds to a chapter in the course. Inside each folder, you will find one or more TypeScript and JavaScript files that contain the code examples and exercises from the course. You can run the TypeScript and JavaScript files using Node.js or any other JavaScript environment of your choice. Refer to TypeScript Documentation for more information on how to run TypeScript files.

What I learned from this course

By taking this course, I learned how to:

  • Install TypeScript and configure TypeScript projects
  • Basic TypeScript usage such as creating custom types with interfaces, defining enumarable types, working with generics, typing functions, etc.
  • Defining complex types such as combining multiple types, creating union types, creating intersection types, indexed access types, and defining dynamic but limited types with records.
  • Extending and extracting metadata from existing types using type aliases, type assertions, type guards, and discriminated unions.
  • Adding dynamic behavior to types using decorators.
  • Working with modules and namespaces.
