
Expose the current commit's hash and the name of "nearest" tag as constants in your code. Useful to quickly find out what version of your application is deployed.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Expose the current commit's hash and the name of "nearest" tag as constants in your code. Useful to quickly find out what version of your application is deployed.


npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-git-version

Also make sure that git is in your $PATH.


Add it to your .babelrc configuration

  "plugins": [

After that the constants GIT_COMMIT, GIT_TAG and GIT_BRANCH can be used in your code. They will be replaced by the commit hash of HEAD, the name of the "nearest" tag (or "unknown" if those values can't be parsed), and the name of the current branch.

console.log(`Version: ${GIT_TAG} (${GIT_COMMIT}) ${GIT_BRANCH} `);

To avoid eslint warnings just add this to your config

"globals": {
  "GIT_COMMIT": false,
  "GIT_TAG": false,
  "GIT_BRANCH": false,

You may customize the plugin to your liking

"plugins": [
      "commitDefaultValue": "unknown_commit",
      "tagDefaultValue": "unknown_tag",
      "branchDefaultValue": "unknown_branch",

      "commitConstantName": "COMMIT",
      "tagConstantName": "TAG",
      "branchConstantName": "BRANCH",

      "showDirty": true,
      "commitLength": 7,
      "tagCommitLength": 7

The defaults are

  commitDefaultValue: "unknown",
  tagDefaultValue: "unknown",
  branchDefaultValue: "unknown",

  commitConstantName: "GIT_COMMIT",
  tagConstantName: "GIT_TAG",
  branchConstantName: "GIT_BRANCH",

  showDirty: false,
  commitLength: 40,
  tagCommitLength: 0,
